Alcohol smuggling from Montreal to Nunavik

Alcohol smuggling: from Montreal to Nunavik

From Montreal to Nunavik, alcohol smuggling is a lucrative business that is wreaking havoc across Nord-du-Québec.

Bottles of strong wine, particularly vodka, are sold there for up to ten times the price listed at the Société des Alcools du Québec.

The JE team accompanied police officers on site during searches that ultimately aim to put an end to this illegal trade.

A suspected alcohol supplier also reveals how he sources alcohol from certain branches of the SAQ in the Greater Montreal area before sending his loot north.

WATCH The JE Show on Friday at 9:00 pm on TVA, rebroadcast on Saturday and Sunday at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm on LCN

READ Friday’s Journal de Montréal and Journal de Québec