Alderman is seen showering during a parliamentary video conference Watch

Alderman is seen showering during a parliamentary video conference; Watch video

Alderman forgets the camera and is seen taking a shower during a meeting in Romania

Alderman forgets the camera and is seen taking a shower during a meeting in Romania

Photo: reproduction

A council member was seen without clothes during a video conference in Romania. AlbertoIosif Caraian of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) forgot the camera and was caught showering by the other parliamentarians.

The case happened last Friday the 24th and was shared on social media. As the images show, the MP had difficulty turning off the camera and was on air for about 40 seconds, causing his colleagues to laugh.

“I can’t turn it off, I can’t. My apologies. I have a terrible flu and I don’t know how to stop it,” commented the city councilor from Bucharest, capital of Romania. Moments later, the councilman returned to the meeting dressed appropriately.

Alderman was caught showering during a meeting in Romania.

—David Valadares (@DaviValadares3)

February 27, 2023

After the episode, the City Council even posted a message on their Facebook page apologizing for the situation: “The tech is still playing tricks. Unfortunately, the rush has manifested! I apologize for the unfortunate incident.”

Source: Editora Terra