Alec Baldwin shares a mysterious tweet about the truth the

Alec Baldwin shares a mysterious tweet about the truth the day Halina Hutchins’ widower explodes

Alec Baldwin shared a mysterious tweet about Buddhism the same day that Halina Hutchins’ widower accused the actor of “sounding like a victim” of the fatal shooting on Rust’s set.

Matt Hutchins targeted 63-year-old Alec Baldwin in an interview with TODAY on Thursday, claiming the actor shifted the blame for the tragic shooting in October on the set of his wife Halina, pretending to sound like a victim. although he was the one to pull the trigger.

“He said he was essentially grieving, but not guilty. “It almost sounds like he’s the victim,” Hutchins said.

“And when I hear him blame Halina for the interview and shift the responsibility to others and see him cry about it, I just feel: do we really have to feel bad for you, Mr. Baldwin?”

Hours after the interview aired, Baldwin posted a quote on Twitter about the truth about the Buddhist religion.

“In Buddhism, truth goes beyond simply telling lies,” he wrote.

“It simply came to our notice then. But it also means using speech for the benefit of others, not using it for the benefit of ourselves.

Hours after the broadcast, Baldwin seemed to respond to Hutchins by posting a quote on Twitter about the truth in the Buddhist religion.

Hours after the broadcast, Baldwin seemed to respond to Hutchins by posting a quote on Twitter about the truth in the Buddhist religion.

Alec Baldwin is expected to return to his apartment in New York on Thursday, February 24, after Hutchins' interview was broadcast on the TODAY Show

Alec Baldwin is expected to return to his apartment in New York on Thursday, February 24, after Hutchins’ interview was broadcast on the TODAY Show

Halina Hutchins' widower, Matt Hutchins, a Harvard-educated lawyer, said TODAY that he believes most of the blame for his wife's death lies with Baldwin

Halina Hutchins’ widower, Matt Hutchins, a Harvard-educated lawyer, said TODAY that he believes most of the blame for his wife’s death lies with Baldwin

On October 21, cameraman Halina Hutchins, 42, (pictured) was shot and killed on the set of a western Rust

On October 21, cameraman Halina Hutchins, 42, (pictured) was shot and killed on the set of a western Rust

On October 21, the 42-year-old Hutchins died when a prop used in the movie Rust was shot, shooting Hutchins in the chest.

Baldwin was told the gun he was waving was “cold” – unloaded – and on December 3, he told ABC News that he did not feel guilty about her death because he did not believe he was responsible.

“Looking at him, I just felt so angry,” Matt Hutchins, Halina’s 16-year-old husband, said Thursday.

“I was so angry when I saw him talk about her death so publicly in such detail, and then not take any responsibility after he had just described her murder.”

Matt Hutchins, a Harvard-based lawyer, said TODAY that he believes most of the blame lies with Baldwin.

In a December interview, Baldwin said: “Someone is responsible for what happened and I can’t say who it is, but it’s not me.”

Matt Hutchins said Thursday: “The idea that the man holding the gun and making him fire is not responsible to me is absurd.

“But gun safety was not the only problem with this set.” There were a number of industry standards that were not practiced and there are many responsible parties, “he added.

Matthew and Halina Hutchins are depicted with their son Andros, nine years old

Matthew and Halina Hutchins are depicted with their son Andros, nine years old

Alec Baldwin was spotted in New York on Thursday morning after an interview with Matthew Hutchins, broadcast on Today Show

Alec Baldwin was spotted in New York on Thursday morning after an interview with Matthew Hutchins, broadcast on Today Show

Halina Hutchins is shown on set with Alec Baldwin, Josh Hopkins (left), Travis Fimel (second right) and Jenson Ackles (right).

Halina Hutchins is shown on set with Alec Baldwin, Josh Hopkins (left), Travis Fimel (second right) and Jenson Ackles (right).

Baldwin spoke on the phone in the parking lot in front of the Santa Fe County Sheriff's Office in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on Oct. 21 after being questioned about the shooting.

Baldwin spoke on the phone in the parking lot in front of the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on Oct. 21 after being questioned about the shooting.

The widower, who has a nine-year-old son named Andros with his late wife, filed a lawsuit for Baldwin’s wrongful death on February 15.

The lawsuit, which alleges that at least 15 safety practices were ignored on set, argues that the wider culture of cost-cutting ultimately led to Halina’s death.

– The trial [is] trying to hold the people responsible for Halina’s death accountable, which was completely preventable, “said Matt Hutchins.

“In the end, you see, justice will not bring Halina back, but maybe the memory of her can help protect people and prevent something like that.”

Hutchins' Instagram post of October 19, 2021 shows cast members and staff, including Baldwin along with Hutchins herself and gunman Gutierrez Reed (surrounded from left to right) on the Rust set in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Hutchins’ Instagram post of October 19, 2021 shows cast members and staff, including Baldwin along with Hutchins herself and gunman Gutierrez Reed (surrounded from left to right) on the Rust set in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Hutchins and Halina (pictured together) had a whirlwind novel that he described as

Hutchins and Halina (pictured together) had a whirlwind novel that he described as “magical” and love at first sight. They were married for 16 years

Baldwin’s lawyer said all allegations that the actor was reckless were “completely untrue.”

Hutchins met Baldwin in New Mexico shortly after the fatal shooting.

“Her husband is coming to town, her husband Matthew,” Baldwin said in a December interview with ABC.

“And I met him and their son. He was as kind as you could be. ‘

When asked what he said, Baldwin said, “I didn’t know what to say. He hugged me and said, “I guess you and I are going to go through this together.” And I thought, “Well, not as much as you are.”

Brian Panish, representing Matt Hutchins, said the Oscar-nominated actor and other defendants were “responsible for the safety of the set and whose reckless behavior in cutting costs led to the senseless and tragic death of Halina Hutchins.”

The suit also mentions the gunsmith’s name, Hannah Gutierrez-Reid, 24, who said she loaded the old Colt .45 revolver with what she thought were counterfeit cartridges.

Gutierrez-Reid pointed out crew member Seth Kenny, who was delivering ammunition to the set in his own suit, submitted in January.

Gutierrez-Reid gave the gun to Dave Halls, the film’s assistant director, who is also listed in the Hutchins case.

Halls told Baldwin that the gun was “cold.”

Gutierrez-Reid, in his costume, described Rust’s set as “a hasty and chaotic atmosphere (which created the perfect storm for a safety incident”).

NBC News reported that “numerous previous misfires” from the same gun that killed Hutchins forced many crew members to leave the set of the film hours before the incident.

The Rust set, at Bonanza Creek Ranch outside of Santa Fe

The Rust set, at Bonanza Creek Ranch outside of Santa Fe

Alec Baldwin was seen in New York on Wednesday with two of his children

Alec Baldwin was seen in New York on Wednesday with two of his children

Matthew and Halina Hutchins are depicted with their son Andros, nine years old

Matthew and Halina Hutchins are depicted with their son Andros, nine years old

Lane Lupper, who was the film’s first A-camera assistant, said he left the day before the fatal shooting because employees were overwhelmed, COVID’s safety was not being properly enforced and the safety of the weapon was poor.

“I think with Rust it was the perfect storm of the gunsmith, the assistant director, the culture that was on the set, the rush. That was all, “he told Good Morning America about the events that led to the fatal shooting.

“It was not just one person. Everything had to fall into place for this one in a trillion to happen.

In his resignation letter, Luper said there were two accidental shots fired on the set and an accidental explosion with sound effects that erupted around the crew.

“There was no explanation of what to expect from these shots. When one of the producers is asked, we usually get the same answers that we don’t have enough time to finish the day if we’re rehearsing, or that “it’s a 21-day shoot,” Lupper wrote in the letter.

He added that the crew was exhausted from the long trips from the set to their apartment, which are more than two hours away.

“In my 10 years as a camera assistant, I’ve never worked on a show that cares so little about the safety of my crew,” Luper said.

She was shot just moments after the crew entered a church to rehearse a scene (above)

She was shot just moments after the team entered a church to rehearse a scene (above)

Halina Hutchins Hannah Gutierrez Reed

The gun prepared by the film’s gunsmith, Hannah Gutierrez Reed (right), fired at Baldwin’s hands when aimed at Hutchins (left)

Cameraman Halina Hutchins is pictured filming this undated photo

Cameraman Halina Hutchins is pictured filming this undated photo

In a statement to Sky News, a spokesman for the producers responded to his allegations, saying: “Mr Luper’s allegations about budget and safety are clearly untrue, which is not surprising given that his job was to be an operator. on camera, and he had absolutely nothing to do with either knowledge of safety protocols or budgets.

“As we continue to cooperate with all investigations, we are limited in what we can say,” he said.

“However, safety is always the number one priority.”

Baldwin insisted he was unaware of the problems on set.

He was rehearsing a scene in which he pulled out his pistol, and in an interview with ABC on December 2, he said he never pulled the trigger, but the pistol still fired.

Matt Hutchins also said the family was “pursuing justice in every way possible”, which includes a civil lawsuit for responsibility for Halina’s “completely preventable” death.