Aleksandar Vucic39s regime once again showed its true violent face

Aleksandar Vučić's regime once again showed its true violent face, the “Serbia against violence” list announced

The regime denied city council members and deputies access to the city parliament, sent its own rioters to provoke incidents, and finally sent Vučić's special forces against citizens protesting the stolen elections, who then used force brutal.

Aleksandar Vucic39s regime once again showed its true violent face

The statement highlights that this is proven by numerous videos and that one of the protesters was brutally beaten by the police and by Radomir Lazović, co-leader of the Green-Left Front, after the end of the protest, breaking his leg.

“We condemn the violence used by the regime to crush civil protests that only seek to annul the elections, as well as the attempt to use violence to portray peaceful protests,” the statement said.

“In particular, we condemn the arrest of many protesters who did not give any reason for it. We will offer them legal protection. We strongly condemn the lies spread by Aleksandar Vučić in several public statements this evening. We promise the citizens that, despite the price, we will not deviate from our fight for the annulment of the elections and for a normal and decent Serbia that we all want. We will never accept the organized theft that occurred in the December 17 elections. “It’s not about which party will have power, it’s about the survival of Serbia”, says the “Serbia against Violence” list.