1702340322 Alerts season 3 finale Lily Roses life is in danger

“Alerts” season 3 finale: Lily-Rose’s life is in danger

The life of investigator Lily-Rose Bernard, played by Mylène St-Sauveur, is put in danger in the tense finale of the series' third season Warningswhich will air this Monday.

All members of the force are on alert. Supported by their colleagues in the brigade, they do everything they can to find the young woman. She infiltrated an organ trafficking network and the operation went wrong. We wonder if they will manage to find their teammate before she is killed, like several other victims before her, all to save the lives of wealthy clients who are ready for a new heart or new ones kidneys to pay.

The life of detective Lily-Rose Bernard (Mylène St-Sauveur) is in danger in the third season finale of the police series “Alertes” this Monday at 9 p.m. on TVA.

Will Lily-Rose be sacrificed so that one of her organs can be transplanted to a rich trafficker client? SCREENSHOT / VAT NEWS / QMI AGENCY

Renaud (Frédéric Pierre), who has loved Lily-Rose for a long time, is particularly fearful, even aggressive. We've never seen him like this before, except perhaps when his sister Marilou (Chanel Mings) was murdered right at the start of the series. Renaud attacks his colleagues and Pelletier's (Danny Gilmore) tone rises, forcing Captain Duquette (Sophie Prégent) to show determination. With every minute counting, the atmosphere at headquarters is tense, to say the least.

The life of detective Lily-Rose Bernard (Mylène St-Sauveur) is in danger in the third season finale of the police series “Alertes” this Monday at 9 p.m. on TVA.

Captain Duquette (Sophie Prégent) has to intervene to calm Renaud (Frédéric Pierre, right), who returned after everyone, including Pelletier (Danny Gilmore). SCREENSHOT / VAT NEWS / QMI AGENCY

Where are Dr. Hassan (Sharon Ibgui) and nurse Sylvie Trahant (Sophie Dion)? Are you with Lily-Rose?

Commander Lamontagne (Benoit McGinnis), who is indirectly involved in this story through his father, Judge Louis-Charles Lamontagne (Roger Léger), will intervene to advance the investigation.

The life of detective Lily-Rose Bernard (Mylène St-Sauveur) is in danger in the third season finale of the police series “Alertes” this Monday at 9 p.m. on TVA.

There is high tension in the headquarters, the entire team is in the crisis team. Renaud (Frédéric Pierre), Captain Duquette (Sophie Prégent), Robert (Hugues Frenette), Commander Lamontagne (Benoit McGinnis), Cindy (Éveline Gélinas) and Guillaume (Danny Gilmore) have difficulty finding their teammate Lily-Rose. SCREENSHOT / VAT NEWS / QMI AGENCY

Dominic (Charles-Alexandre Dubé) continues his stay in an inn with Marjolaine (Diane Lavallée). These moments of peace are good for the son and the mother. The latter, who has just been refused medical assistance in dying, is fixated on her funeral in this episode by Julien Hurteau.

Time for the fourth season in January

Alerts, which won awards for Best Annual Drama Series (Pixcom) and Best Text: Annual Drama Series (Julie Hivon) last September, premieres its fourth season on Monday, January 8, at 9 p.m. on TVA.

The actors Paul Ahmarani, Pierre-Paul Alain, Jean-Michel Anctil, Juliette Aubé, Alexandre Bacon, Frédéric Blanchette, Félix-Antoine Cantin, Étienne de Passillé, Hugo Dubé, Elizabeth Duperré, Patrick Emmanuel Abellard, Samuel Gauthier, Alexandre Goyette, Naïla Louidort, Marilou Morin, Marie-Chantal Perron, Jean Petitclerc, Geneviève Rochette, Jeanne Roux-Côté and Elkahna Talbi will play characters caught up in new police investigations.

The life of detective Lily-Rose Bernard (Mylène St-Sauveur) is in danger in the third season finale of the police series “Alertes” this Monday at 9 p.m. on TVA.

Several actors join the fourth season of the police series “Alertes” for the duration of an investigation. From left to right, starting from the top, we recognize the actors Elkahna Talbi, Jean-Michel Anctil, Marie-Chantal Perron, Paul Ahmarani, Marilou Morin, Alexandre Goyette, Juliette Aubé, Pierre-Paul Alain, Frédéric Blanchette, Étienne de Passillé, Elizabeth Duperré, Naïla Louidort, Jeanne Roux-Côté, Patrick Emmanuel Abellard, Hugo Dubé, Félix-Antoine Cantin, Alexandre Bacon, Samuel Gauthier, Geneviève Rochette and Jean Petitclerc. MOSAIC WITH VAT

The 13 episodes of Winter and Spring are directed by director Mathieu Handfield and written by lead writers Guillaume Corbeil, Patrick Dupuis, Sarah Lévesque and Geneviève Simard – who succeeded Julie Hivon – with support from screenwriters Robin Balzano and Marie-Mousse Laroche, Mireille Mayrand-Fiset and Kristine Metz.