Alessandra Celentano and the very painful farewell career over in

Alessandra Celentano and the very painful farewell: career over in no time ​​Solo Spettacolo

Alessandra Celentano - Alessandra Celentano – (web source)

The “Amici” trainer Alessandra Celentano lived with a disability, an illness that forced her to give up the scene.

Teacher, choreographer and former dancer of national stature, Alexandra Celentano He has been working with the talent show “Amici” since 2003 and configures himself as the darling of the format’s young dancers.

Coach Mariana is strong-willed, strict and authoritarian Strict standards in its metrics and regularly strives for excellence; Legacy acquired during his many years as a professional in the industry.

In fact, he has taken the stage alongside talents of the caliber of Carla Fracci, Roberto Bolle, Ambra Vallo, Manuel Legris and Maximiliano Guerra, and has also signed the success of many ballets on stage La Scala Theater and at the Teatro Comunale in Florence.

After decades of excellence on the most prestigious stages in Italy, Alessandra Celentano had to leave the microcosm of dance for a debilitating disease; Pathology that has affected even the most basic mobility.

The confession of Alessandra Celentano

The Milan teacher had to face this at the peak of his artistic ascent hallux rigidus syndrome, a pathology usually found in professional dancers. As the magazine “Più donna” reports, Alessandra Celentano initially ignored the revealing symptoms: “Right at the best moment of my career, when I felt full of energy and in perfect psychophysical shape, I began to feel an odd discomfort at the base of my big toes: initially tolerable, then gradually more intense. So I deliberately didn’t attach any importance to this disorder and unfortunately dragged it over the years…”.

The coach then reported: “I gritted my teeth, slipped on my slippers and danced like nothing had happened. Convinced that this pain, which I didn’t know how to name, would go away sooner or later. In reality, instead of letting me down, it got worse over time and once I hung up my tutu to devote myself to teaching, the joint started to jam“.

a young Alessandra Celentano - solospettacolo.ita young Alessandra Celentano – (web source)

The regrets of Alessandra Celentano

The “Amici” coach is aware of having underestimated her own clinical conditions for a long time: “I neglected it, and it was a big mistake. Three years ago it got to the point where I don’t gorge myself on painkillers, I couldn’t even walk anymore“.

In 2021, Alessandra Celentano finally faced the painful pathology head-on: “I had an operation to avoid problems with the recordings of ‘Friends’. The situation has improved, I no longer have the terrible pain I used to have. But I have many limitations and I always will: I can no longer walk or engage in vigorous physical activity. I’m also very limited when it comes to dancing: I used to dance, but today I can only dance…”.

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