Alessandra Celentano the identity of her new love has finally

Alessandra Celentano, the identity of her new love has finally been revealed: he is blonde and radiant iFood

Alessandra Celentano LoveAlessandra Celentano – ifood (Instagram photo)

The lovelorn amici's most feared teacher? Alessandra Celentano has a new love, blonde and sparkling. Who is the lucky one.

Alessandra Celentano She is one of the professors for Friends From Maria De Filippi for several years, precisely since 2004. In reality, one of the most feared.

Harsh and direct in her judgments, sometimes even too much, the classical dance trainer often comes into conflict not only with her students, but also with her colleagues themselves. And because of this, she is often criticized by the public, who have been following her exploits in television school for years.

His last name is the same as that of the famous singer Adrian, whose granddaughter she is, and from her private life we ​​know who she was married to Angelo Trementozzi from 2007 to 2012. Then nothing.

Nothing further is known about her companions, but their statements actually caused a stir Celentano about his love life, which he said was characterized by years of abstinence. However, today she seems to be in love again. Who is it about?

Alessandra Celentano is in love again

Marry with Angelo Trementozzi It is the only story of which there are traces about the private life of Alessandra Celentanowho in an interview with Beasts A few months ago he confessed the reasons for the breakup. To the microphones from Francesca Fagnani The former dancer sadly admitted that she had a lot of regrets about motherhood: “I was sorry because it was the reason for my breakup. We also tried some inseminations that didn't work and at some point I stopped because I was no longer pregnant.” “I don't like the persistence: it means it shouldn't have been.”

But it is the confession of her chastity that astonishes both audience and presenter when she says: “I have been chaste for 13 years.” […] I've always been a bit difficult, I don't look at those younger than me, I don't look at those older than me, those my age seem a bit outdated to me, so you understand that is difficult.

Alessandra Celentano Passion for ProseccoAlessandra Celentano – ifood (Instagram photo)

Who is the lucky blonde and the bubbly guy?

Today the heart of Alessandra Celentano is he back to batting? The confession was made Smiles and songs where, talk about her figure and how she stays in shape, the trainer of Friends He admitted: “I've been on a diet all my life: apples, salads. Today I tell children that it is important to have nutrition education and I try to follow it. But every now and then I treat myself to fries, pizza and Prosecco, which I like fresh in the summer.”

Obviously we're kidding, and a lot of people like the blonde and sparkling Prosecco. The most important thing is not to abuse it.

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