Alessandro Gassmann argument breaks out with red fans

Alessandro Gassmann, argument breaks out with red fans

If only I had a chance to read the comments at the end of Alessandro Gassmann I could get a good idea of ​​the temperature among the fans, whether those who say they are right or wrong will prevail. But the actor, or rather his webmaster, blocked me, there is a trace of mockery or ridicule towards him) and then you want to see that among those who he can't stand and whom he doesn't want, among his followers simply are those who think differently than him? Or he just changed his mind yesterday. A new, democratic Alessandro, open to discussion. Listen to this: “I think it's anti-democratic to boo a valuable artist whose political ideas we don't share (he and his community…, editor's note). Democracy must allow everyone freedom of expression, even those with whom we disagree. Still, it's easy to understand.

A sentence that is not particularly exciting from a linguistic point of view (few and repeated lemmas), which follows the style that has long been attributed to Voltaire: “I don't agree with what you say, but I would give my life for you can say it. It always has some effect, even when used excessively. In macrobiotic stores it is even used as exerga. Who was Gassman angry at? Obviously with Beatrice Venezi, the conductor who was targeted because of her right-wing sympathies – but in the so-called world of culture, not being a member of the Democratic Party or the M5S is enough to be treated like a pariah – how this was challenged in Nice a few days ago. Behind the banner “No fascists in the opera, no opera for fascists” there were four cats and yet they were enough to cause the usual chaos, even if the audience in the theater didn't like it, booed them and the concert continued. So why this defense? Is it personal respect for the artist or does Gassman actually want to distance himself from the many ignorant people who think we're in the 70s? If you think about it badly, there is a suspicion that the actor is sniffing the air and wants to appear less drastic towards the new ruling class of the Italian entertainment industry, which you never know, but we believe in his goodwill: Gassman, who is not new in the face amid controversy on social media (his post after Queen Elizabeth's death was less than memorable), he changes his mind and kindly tells us that everyone can express themselves, even the right-wing. However, the supporters do not agree with him at all and are running away. From “Fascists have no rights” to “Not an artist, not even of value”; From “You understand much more about cinema” to “Music has nothing to do with fascism” to the personal insult “What an ignorance you are, what an ugly face you children of art” and finally “We can't do that. “can be democratic with fascists: it is both a contradiction and counterproductive.”

Also read: Gassmann, the memory with which he dismantled Chiara Ferragni: “It would have been embarrassing for him”

Aside from the simplistic syntax and poor mental processing of commenters, it is worrying how much hate is spread one-sidedly online. Because of a generally innocuous and obvious statement, the popular Alessandro Gassman risks losing hundreds of followers who do not appreciate his democratic orientation and his unprecedented openness to a non-left artist, as if an orchestra director could interpret Haydn or Puccini politically. Deep down, if you read carefully, not even the best intentions can hide a detail that is not irrelevant: Dear friends of the right, Gassman tells us, we grant freedom of expression, you cannot demand it. In short, the left's supposed moral superiority is far from over, even though their numbers are shrinking.

Also read: Alessandro Gassmann, treasure in the house: “What kind of stuff is this and how much is it worth”