Alessandro Orsini on the PiazzaPulita and his We suck

Alessandro Orsini on the PiazzaPulita and his “We suck” | Grammellini’s coffee

Every Thursday night, I slot into the talented Formigli’s seat for my weekly dose of Professor Orsini. Sorry for the other title contenders, but he’s the real star of Pacinarcisismo, thanks to the pained face and that tone of voice between assertiveness and wistfulness with which he reconstructs the causes of the Ukraine war from the time of Genghis Khan. This time, the sociologist, who ended his collaboration with a newspaper and apologized to readers who subscribed to him (he’s certainly not lacking in humility), told us that there is no difference between the West and Putin.

The Tsar is disgusting, we are disgusting: and by disgusting we mean.

Provided we get rid of this Zelensky who prevents the happy ending with his intolerable mania for freedom, which is made impossible by geography. Orsini seems possessed by a kind of panicky fear of Putin: he names him as little as possible and almost never discusses his misdeeds, which he finds no worse than ours anyway. He fears the intruder’s defeat, which makes the poor happy, because then Putin can get really angry, he says. The overthrow of the Slavic satrap is not among Orsini’s options, and perhaps not even among his hopes.

Mine remains that one day in Moscow a counterpart of the professor will be able to say on a talk show that Russians suck like westerners. It would mean that freedom has also arrived.

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March 19, 2022 06:38 am – Change March 19, 2022 | 09:45