Alessia Piperno a Roman woman arrested in Iran Please let

Alessia Piperno, a Roman woman arrested in Iran: “Please let me out.” It had been gone for 4 days

hours of agony for Alesia PipernoRoman, thirty years old, arrested in Iran. Yesterday morning, after four days of absolute silence during which he had never heard from him, he called the parents who live in the neighborhood Albanian hillOn the Appia, she cried in despair: “They arrested me, I’m in prison Tehran. Please help me”. The girl told her mother, Manuela, and her father, Alberto, that she was “joking around” to tell them what had happened to her from a phone made available to her. “I’m fine, but there are people here they say they’ve been inside for months and for no reason I’m afraid I won’t go out anymore help me,” her desperate cry. Once the conversation was over, the parents rushed to the Farnesina to inform the relevant authorities about the dramatic affair. The Foreign Ministry is following the case, as is the Italian Embassy in Tehran.

Iran, protests over Mahsa Amini’s death: barrage of arrests, including Italians

In which prison the young woman is being held could not be determined last night. In the Iranian capital prisons they would be numerous and it would not be so easy to reach them all. Alessia, from what has been reconstructed so far, She would be arrested on her birthday, last Wednesday. Early in the morning he had received his father’s punctual call of congratulations. “She was happy, she was waiting for her friends to come out of their rooms at the hostel to have a picnic together – says Alberto, who is the owner of the historic bookshop Von Buch zu Buch in the Alban Hills – he had the day spent with a French friend, a Pole and an Iranian girl”. But Alessia’s phone will stop signaling after 12 noon, her chats also get stuck around this time. Days go by. Parents believe the lines are blocked due to the unrest who revitalize the country after the death of the young women Mahsa Amini and Hadish Najafi, killed by the regime. But they are more than the justifications given, they know that Alessia, who is always on the go, is calling them and is constantly looking for them, if only through messages or social networks. “If he hadn’t called you today (yesterday, editor’s note) – so they say – we would still have gone there to warn the Farnesina, because in six years of traveling around the world it has never been so long without hearing from each other.”


In social networks the family shared a heartfelt appeal: «We immediately moved with the Farnesina, we called the Italian embassy in Tehran. But we still don’t know anything, not even the reason for the detention. They tell us they are moving…. And we parents and Brother David cannot sit idly by. You can’t stand still when a child tells you “please help me”… I want you to know and for this message to reach as many people as possible, maybe you will find the right one who can help us,” the post read dad’s.

Alessia had graduated from Scientific High School, the fourth year she had attended them in the United States. Her love of travel has kept her away from home for the past six years, to which she returns from time to time. He was in Iran for two months waiting to return Pakistan. But he had also lived in Australia, Iceland, Panama, Nicaragua, to name just a few stations on his long journeys around the world. She was also able to work using an American freelance platform that allowed her to organize trips or work as a remote secretary. «Our daughter is a girl who is driven by the love of getting to know cultures and peoples, her happiness lies in travel – people still talk about that at home -. She gets along in all situations, but is not reckless. In fact, she is always very attentive and animated by a great moral rigor. It does not touch alcohol or, worse, drugs. For this reason, we still do not know how to explain what could have happened to her ».