Alexandre Barrette talks about the relationship he had for

Alexandre Barrette talks about the relationship he had for six years with this comedian from Quebec –

Alexandre Barrette is very private about his personal life. In recent years he has been in a relationship with the same woman with an artistic background, but whose identity the general public did not know.

Even after their separation was announced last spring, the identities of both spouses remained largely secret. On the other hand, Alexandre Barrette admitted on Wednesday during his appearance on Children of TV that he has been in a relationship with Mariana Mazza for six years. Like him, she refused to reveal her lover's identity during their relationship. This is how she explained herself in an interview when she was asked the question.

After André Robitaille unveiled images from “Get Me Out of Here” and revealed that the show's co-host called his dogs every day during filming, Alexandre Barrette candidly explained: “I will say because it came out, I was there. “A relationship with Mariana Mazza for six years. »

“When we were still a couple, we bought two dogs and I got used to the dogs. One of the big challenges of spending a month in Costa Rica was that I would miss my dogs. Mariana and I “facetimed” each other every evening. Our dogs are Bobby and Lilo, and I talked to Bobby and Lilo,” he says, laughing and touching his forehead a little embarrassed.

“It’s still funny for the others [les campeurs de Sortez-moi d’ici, NDLR] lying in the mud and talking to his dogs [sur une tablette, NDLR] » adds Mélanie Maynard, hilarious.

“I tell it and understand that anyone listening to me will laugh at me, it's pathetic but I love my little dogs so much,” adds Alexandre Barrette.

Pet owners will certainly understand the comedian's bond with his two adorable toy poodles. For those curious, there is a photo of the dog duo in the publication at the end of the article.

Alexandre Barrette will direct the second season of Sortez-moi d'ici at the end of February. The tests, it seems, will be significantly more difficult than the first time. We also discussed the problem with one of the campers from the new version here.

Note that we can also hear Alexandre Barrette every weekday at noon on WKND.