1693277433 Alexandre Dube tells us the beginning of his 10th season

Alexandre Dubé tells us the beginning of his 10th season at Salut Bonjour – Salut Bonjour

Our news anchor, Alexandre Dubé, recently confided in us the beginning of his 10th yeare Season at the forefront of weekend morning newscasts.

• Also read: Watch Eve-Marie celebrate her 20th birthday at Salut Bonjour

• Also read: Discover the new faces of Salut Bonjour this autumn

Alexandre, your passion for your work at Salut Bonjour has not diminished despite the years…

NO. If I do the math, I’m entering my 20th year in the media. This fall I’m celebrating my 10th anniversary at Salut Bonjour. It’s an important milestone. I am also in my tenth year with the Charles Bruneau Foundation. I have built my life on a solid foundation. I enjoy challenges and I like to react to them. I find it easy to find the motivation to get up in the middle of the night. I have a close relationship with the public. I’m glad that people invite me to their table at the weekend to tell them the news. It’s also a privilege to be surrounded by such an amazing gang. It’s been 10 years since I worked with one of the greats of Quebec television: Eve-Marie Lortie. We’ve been through so much together over the years!

Alexandre Dube tells us the beginning of his 10th season

Instagram Alexandre Dube

Would you say that Ève-Marie is a role model for you?

Yes. As much as Eve-Marie was an important figure for me, Benoit Dutrizac was an inspiration on the radio. I have three great mentors in my professional life. Along with Benoit and Eve-Marie, I deeply admire Pierre Bruneau, whom I knew personally and through his social commitment. I have had the opportunity to get to know him for 10 years through my involvement in Tour CIBC and the various events associated with it. I have the privilege of being healthy. I had a carefree childhood. I’m fortunate to have three mics instead of just one, so giving back to society is important to me. I always come from my encounters with children and their growing families.

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Facebook Alexandre Dube

Do you feel like a marathon runner at work and with your commitments at heart?

Yes. I am very loyal both privately and professionally. When the Salut Bonjour adventure came up, I wanted it to be a long-term marriage. Summer is the time I’m most excited about professionally, with weekdays at Salut Bonjour in Montreal, weekends at Salut Bonjour Week-end in Quebec City, and hosting my own show on QUB radio for three years; It’s a news show. My day is set to the quarter turn. I get up at 2am every morning and go to the TVA where I am until 9:30am for the salut bonjour. Then I go to the QUB radio studio, where I go on the air from 10am to 12:30pm. It’s my daily marathon. In the summer I practically enter the monastery!

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Facebook Alexandre Dube

how do you get away

My haven of peace are the beautiful Laurentians. It’s my favorite playground. I do a lot of sports: alpine skiing, cycling, paddle boarding, mountain hiking. During the pandemic I decided to put my bags in the Laurentians and have a home cottage built. As soon as I get home I manage to pick up the phone even though I live 6 hours a day. I am fortunate to have wonderful, understanding people around me. I have the privilege of being able to count on my family to be caring and supportive in my projects. It wouldn’t be possible without her.

Has your family always stood behind you in your desire to communicate?

Yes. I always knew I would do this job. I grew up in Rouyn-Noranda in Abitibi. For as long as they can remember, my parents say I was drawn to radio. I was host. I’ve always loved television too. I’ve never had a plan B in my life. I wanted to be an animator, tell people stories, interview them to understand their reality. As a teenager, I got involved with student radio and was involved in the student newspaper. I took piano lessons in elementary school. My motivation was to host the Christmas show because I was entrusted with this job. There were no communication courses at Abitibi, so when I was 17 I took my suitcase and went to Ottawa to study. I’m an only child.

I imagine the heartache your parents went through when you left home…

It was hard. They often came to me! You have always encouraged me. Without my parents I would never have been able to do anything I have done. It is thanks to their constant support that I have been able to do this. Even in times of doubt they were always there to refocus me on my dream and goal. It’s a difficult task full of pitfalls, but they have always supported me and thanks to them I persevered. I moved back to my area at the age of 19 when I became a news anchor. After three years I moved on to Outaouais, where I worked as a journalist and then as a news anchor. And hello hello happened in my life. I wasn’t expecting that, but I couldn’t turn down the offer. In fact, it was my father who convinced me to take it because I wasn’t sure at first.

1693277426 678 Alexandre Dube tells us the beginning of his 10th season

Facebook Alexandre Dube

Given this great opportunity, where did your doubts come from?

I’ve been very fortunate in my life in Outaouais, but Salut Bonjour is a show that has always been tattooed on my heart. For me it is a seal of approval. When I was made this offer at 27, I got dizzy… My dad told me that if the Montreal Canadiens call a player, he takes it! The same was true for Hi Hello. This chance had to be seized, and he was right. I am fulfilled and privileged.

Are your parents proud of your success?

You listen every morning. The first people I tell the news to in the morning are my parents. To be honest, it’s a great privilege. There is nothing more rewarding for a son than to see the pride in his parents’ eyes. I am glad that my maternal grandparents have also seen that I have realized myself in recent years. It made me very sad when they died because I was very close to them.

In my opinion, this professional happiness is complemented by great personal happiness…

Yes. Charel and I are very happy. Things are going well between us. We even welcomed a little Chihuahua to the family. His name is Poncho and he will be two years old this summer.

Charel is a doctor, if I’m not mistaken?

Yes, she is a doctor. She travels a lot for pleasure. She’s a great traveler so I’m keeping poncho… I also like to travel, take breaks. For our birthdays, you invited me to Miami before starting my 11-week marathon in the summer. Our birthdays are a few days apart. Ever since we’ve been together, we’ve always celebrated something special. We are flying to Mexico next November.

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Photo: Julien Faugere

Find Alexandre at Salut Bonjour Week-end on weekend mornings from 6:30am. The usual team of Salut Bonjour Week-end, to which Alexandre belongs, will resume service from September 9th.

We also hear it on weekdays from 10 a.m. in the QUB. From September 5th he will take over the management of the morning show on the same platform.