The Kremlin gave an ultimatum to the mother of Alexei Navalny, the recently deceased Russian opponent. According to sources close to the case, Lyudmila NavalnayaNavalny's mother must decide whether to agree to a private funeral or allow her son to be buried in the prison where he lost his life Northern polar circle.
The decision against Navalny's mother comes at a critical time after it emerged that Russian authorities initially did not want to hand over her son's body. This is what Russian law requires Once the cause of death has been determined, the body must be returned to the familybut the Navalny case appears to be an exception to this rule.
“An investigator called an hour ago Alexei's mother and gave him an ultimatum. “Either he accepts a secret funeral without a public farewell within three hours, or Alexei will be buried in the penal colony,” the activist’s spokesman said. Kira Yarmyshwho also hinted at it Navalnaya will stand firm to ensure compliance with the law requiring the “handover of the body.”
YOU CAN SEE: “Vladimir Putin killed my husband”: Wife of Russian opponent Alexei Navalny makes harsh accusations
He died “of natural causes”
In accordance with Lyudmila Navalnayawhen investigators finally allowed him to see Alexei's body in the morgue City of SalekhardThey also showed him the medical certificate stating that the Russian opponent had died of “natural causes”. This confirms the information presented in the prison report.
Navalny's mother picked up her son's body from prison. Photo: AFP
Far from being a consolation, this autopsy statement aroused the anger of the mother of the Russian opponent, who did not hesitate to sue in court because the local authorities refused to hand over her son's body. Aside from that, Navalnaya decided to offer a reward of 50,000 euros to everyone who makes a contribution “comprehensive information” about Navalny's death.
The sum of the various measures taken by Vladimir Putin's government after Alexei's death raises the question of possible involvement in the events. According to analysts' conclusions, the Kremlin's intervention in the way Navalny's funeral is held is due to the government seeing a serious threat to its authority from the possible high attendance at the opponent's public funeral.
YOU CAN SEE: Alexei Navalny, Vladimir Putin's main opponent, dies in prison in the Russian Arctic
How did the international community react to Navalny's death?
The international community then reacted with concern Death of Alexei Navalny. World leaders, human rights organizations and activist groups have expressed their dismay and called for a transparent and thorough investigation to clarify the circumstances of his death.
More than one foreign government called on Russia to take responsibility and respect human rights, including through awareness campaigns NGO and pro-democracy movements that highlight Significance of Navalny's work in the fight against corruption and for government transparency. In addition, vigils and tributes to commemorate the Russian opponent were organized in various parts of the world.
International institutions such as European Union and that European Council, called on Russia to ensure an independent investigation into Navalny's death and underscored the need for justice and the importance of protecting activists and political opponents. Concerns have also been raised about the deteriorating human rights situation in the country ruled by Vladimir Putin.