Alfonso Signorini comments on Barbara DUrsos departure from Mediaset the

Alfonso Signorini comments on Barbara D’Urso’s departure from Mediaset: the words

Alfonso Signorini comments on the departure of Barbara D’Urso from Mediaset: the moderator of GF Vip is ironic.

Alfonso Signorini He commented on the departure of Barbara D’Urso from Mediaset in his own way.

In addition, the Big Brother Vip host also spoke about the reality show’s new commentators.

Alfonso Signorini comments on Barbara D’Urso’s departure from Mediaset

In the weekly Chi, Alfonso Signorini commented on the hottest news of the past few days. From farewell to Barbara D’Urso to Mediaset on the arrival of Emanuele Filiberto and Katia Ricciarelli as commentators at GF Vip. The presenter has something for everyone but claims this type of “fantasy TV” is the best thing about summer.

Alfonso Signorini’s words about Barbara D’Urso

Referring to Barbara D’Urso outside of Mediaset, Alfonso ironically stated:

“On the other hand, the Balivo, the Blasi, the Annunziata: a new name appears every hour. But there is one that applies to everyone: Barbara D’Urso. There are those who wonder why he’s not conducting Afternoon 5 anymore, there are those who wonder why anyone is asking, there are those who do Dream to see her at Dancing with the Stars having coffee and cha-cha-cha. And there are those who argue that because the ballrooms don’t have the megawatt power of Cologno Monzese, they’ll never go there. In a few days everything will be closed and we will talk about the classic umbrella issues again: inflation, the summer that is no longer what it used to be, the chaos at the airports. You know that boredom… I tremble at the mere thought of my cell phone no longer ringing at eleven o’clock at night with my trembling colleague’s voice: ‘Are you sitting down? Hold on!’. Ah, the beauty of telemarket“.

Alfonso Signorini on the new commentators of the GF Vip

To the new ones Columnists of GF Vipwho someone has identified as Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia and Katia Ricciarelli explained:

“People get carried away and can no longer attract attention fiction from reality. Everything is written and the opposite of everything. Because fantasy TV exists, lives and fights with us. Emanuele Filiberto and Katia Ricciarelli also revive the commentators’ telemarketing against their will. There are also those who say that he has removed himself from the circle of chairs without doing so No one ever offered him to stay there”.