Alfonso Signorini loses his spearhead the contract is torn up

Alfonso Signorini loses his spearhead: the contract is torn up without too much thought ​​​​​​Lineadiretta24

Alfonso Signorini at GF Vip - lineadiretta24.itAlfonso Signorini – (source youtube)

Bad news for conductor Alfonso Signorini: The star of the program will leave the GF Vip, the farewell is certain.

Arrived at seventh edition the quintessential reality show, the eclectic Alfonso Signorini has clearly demonstrated that it moves with the times by introducing significant improvements to Canale 5’s flagship programme.

He has reserved a tailor-made role for the ex-Vippona Giulia Salemiwhich promotes her to the rank of “Godmother of Social Networks” and the constant interactions with the Twitter platform help to strengthen the contact with the public from home.

Even after sniffing out the television potential Sonja BruganelliAlfonso Signorini confirmed her in her role as columnist and placed her side by side with the experienced and sunny Orietta Bertiehistorical interpreter of light music in tricolor sauce.

Despite the initial uncertainties that Berti Bruganelli Union enjoys good feedback from the spectators, and the two colleagues balance each other perfectly character differences, adding value to the show’s prime-time rituals. In the last few hours, however, the journalist Alberto Dandolo dropped a bomb: Orietta Berti would be willing to do without the coveted red armchaircharge towards the gates of Viale Mazzini.

Alfonso Signorini does without Orietta Berti: Fabio Fazio grabs the singer

In a recent interview given to the weekly magazine “Oggi”. Alberto Dandolo confirmed the rumors about Orietta Bertis new projects, resolutions that they rule out a further role for the commentator in biscione format.

In fact, the journalist claimed: “La Berti has landed in the latest edition of Big Brother Vip, also thanks to a very good contract. Despite everything, we will also see it in Rai. The Emilian artist In fact, he will play a role in the hit series God Help Us.. And that’s just the first step back to state television. She will enter Rai through the front door and will return to Fabio Fazio. See you again at the table of “Che tempo che fa” and that’s not all. In fact, it is said that Orietta will have a prominent role in a flagship network show“.

Orietta Berti - lineadiretta24.itOrietta Berti – (web source)

The confirmation of Orietta Berti

Albeit in secret, the singer anticipated her steps for the future as well, telling La Repubblica newspaper: “I have been with Fabio for many years, I will return to him. In the meantime I have to go and promote my box… Mediaset gives me a lot of freedom…”.

Orietta Berti finally concluded: “At GF Vip I get along well, even with Alfonso… He’s good, he’s religious, we get along. He treats me like family. We are friends with Sonia Bruganelli, I want to save them, they them. We laugh and we’re great together…”.

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