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Alfonso Signorini revealed the name of a famous ex: do you know who he is?

Some time ago there were quite interesting rumors about Alfonso Signorini and his alleged ex-boyfriend. There was much debate about this, but no confirmation ever came from those directly involved. But who could this mysterious man be? Who did the famous Big Brother VIP host share his happiness with? As many know, Alfonso Signorini is one of the most recognizable faces of the Italian television scene. Known by the nickname “King of Gossip”, Signorini has been the director of the famous gossip magazine Chi for many years and for a few years has been at the helm of Big Brother Vip, where he demonstrates his enormous talent for recognizing faces that can work, and it can create a certain dynamic within a reality show that can engage the audience to the point where the ratings are very high. Everyone knows Alfonso Signorini’s sexual orientation, but few know that the conductor experienced a completely different situation before coming out. Talking to Giacomo Urtis during the Gf Vip led to an unprecedented revelation.

In fact, Urtis revealed he was living with a woman before realizing that wasn’t his path to happiness. Urtis was so in love that he no longer had eyes for others, but then a new consciousness emerged. After hearing the story, Alfonso Signorini revealed that he went through a very similar period in his life. “I also lived with a girl like you for 7 years, I was very much in love with her, but from those 7 years I remember so much love but also so much gray, every day was the same, I didn’t have emotional high points and I felt inside me that something was wrong”. With his story, Alfonso Signorini wanted to explain how difficult it is to experience such a situation. In short, the conductor later realized that he was not attracted to women, but that he was interested in people of his own sex and therefore, from a sentimental point of view, preferred to only devote himself to men.The conductor has also been credited with several flirtations with influential figures in the entertainment world in recent years.

In particular, according to donnapop, Alfonso Signorini seems in the past to have had a relationship with a face belonging to the small screen, very well known and loved in Italy, among others. We’re talking about Cristiano Malgioglio, also openly gay. The two have known each other for a long time. And when Cristiano became a competitor of the Gf Vip, he revealed to one of his roommates that he had been flirting with the host. Of course, that piqued the incredible curiosity of all reality TV viewers. After Cristiano Malgioglio’s unexpected confession, Alfonso Signorini made a comment to clarify everything. “Malgy, you don’t know how to keep a Cecio in your mouth, not even to pay you! We promised each other before entering Gf Vip’s house that you would keep quiet about it.

Alfonso Signorini revealed the name of a famous ex do

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