Alianza Lima categorically ruled out Paolo Guerrero The Predator will

Alianza Lima categorically ruled out Paolo Guerrero: The “Predator” will not be blue and white in 2024

In a press conference, the football director of the Intimate team, Bruno Marioni, spoke about the Peruvian national striker Paolo Guerrero.

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Bruno Marioni ruled out the arrival of Paolo Guerrero after he left on a free transfer. “Together with the technical management and the club, we decided to create a footballer profile. We believe that there is no Paolo Guerrero within the squad structure,” explained the blue and white coach.

When asked about the reasons for the experienced Peruvian striker's non-arrival, Marioni explained that there are several players who occupy the area where Guerrero plays.

“I won't talk specifically about players, why I chose one or the other. We have ways to do that. There are certain positions within the composition of a football team. There are styles of play that Alianza wants to play with.” Restrepo, usually it is a team that plays with a 5-man line. Decisions have been made and profiles seen, today we have a squad with several options if he decides to play with a striker, with wingers. “The squad is sufficiently covered in Paolo Guerrero’s zone,” he added.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Photo by the author

Communicator. Graduated from UNMSM in Social Communications with a concentration in Journalism. His main interest is cultural, sporting and social issues. Currently editor of the sports section of La República.