Alianza Lima revealed why they turned off the Matute lights

Alianza Lima revealed why they turned off the Matute lights: "To promote rapid evacuation"

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Lima Alliance is in serious trouble after losing the 2023 League 1 final university. The blue and white team turned off the lights of the Matute Stadium seconds after referee Edwin Ordóñez ended the game. This meant that the players of both teams were in the dark at pitch level and also prevented the U-award ceremony.

This Thursday 9th, Alianza Lima commented on this blackout through its social networks. The Victorian club explained that the reasons for taking this action were to “encourage the rapid evacuation of the stands, thereby preserving the integrity and safety of the public and sporting delegations”.

The intimate institution pointed out that public opinion could interpret the fact in different ways, but the decision was made only, the statement said, in order to avoid “regrettable situations against the background of the deterioration in security guarantees that has recently become evident “. Years. Minutes of play.

Alianza Lima statement on the action to turn off the lights of Matute.  Photo: Alianza Lima

Alianza Lima statement on the action to turn off the lights of Matute. Photo: Alianza Lima

What did Luz del Sur say about the power outage in Matute?

The company issued a statement saying there were “no planned disruptions in the region” and that the service it provided in the region remained normal.