1697343280 Alice Pascual would have liked to be the astronaut princess

Alice Pascual would have liked to be the astronaut princess

There is a lot of humor and crazy, original worlds in Alice Pascual’s pleasant TV memories. These television memories also rhyme with the presence of his sisters, his mother and his grandfather…

Alice, which children’s shows influenced you?

Fripe et Pouille, Télé Pirate and In a galaxy near you made me laugh so much with their well-acted characters and their crazy worlds… I’m pretty sure these series would still make me laugh today. Laugh! There was also Les Zigotos because I actually ended up taking part in it! I even won the game by getting my hands on the frog in the evil pond.

ENT red carpet of the new series "Motel paradise" of Club Illico.

The Astronaut Princess photo from IMDB

What are your favorite TV memories from your childhood?

With my sisters in France, when we were very little, our grandfather let us listen to Tex Avery cartoons [réalisateur très actif dans les années 1930, 1940 et 1950, NDLR]. As I recall, it made him laugh even more than it made us!

Would you say you watched a lot of TV growing up?

Not much, no. We lived in the country and spent most of our time outside. But there were still meetings at the Canal Famille.

ENT red carpet of the new series "Motel paradise" of Club Illico.

Archive photo by Marguerite Volant

Is there a character who influenced you?

I must have been 12 years old and saw “Marguerite Volant” with my mother. Even though it wasn’t a children’s show, I was completely amazed by this series and the character Marguerite [joué par Catherine Sénart, NDLR]. I thought about her a lot when I was growing up.

Is there another song from a show that sticks in your mind?

“On Tabaga Street/Near Ricelle Boulevard/Sheltered from the skyscrapers/Guess who I saw/Who saw you? / Who saw you? » [Sur la rue Tabaga a été diffusée de 1989 à 1995 sur Canal Famille, NDLR].

ENT red carpet of the new series "Motel paradise" of Club Illico.

TV Pirate photo from IMDB

Is there a character you wish you could have played for children?

The Astronaut Princess [qui a pris vie grâce à Pascale Bussières, NDLR]. I found his adventures so fascinating. She was such an original female role model! I also thought she had great costumes!

What world would you like to introduce to children?

I always want to talk to the little ones about the sea, the ocean, boats and fish, because there is such a rich poetry and a universe in which to make up stories. It’s also related to my childhood: when I was little it made me dream so much. Maybe even today…

What do you think of today’s children’s television?

I believe that the creativity and talent of Quebec creators must produce little gems… Youth programs, in my opinion, allow for so much freedom and ingenuity.

Alice Pascual will be in the cast of the second season of the youth series The Knights, just like Marilou Forges, Steve Laplante, Fanny Mallette and Hubert Proulx, among others. The episodes will be broadcast on Unis TV and Club illico in 2024.