Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor were married on Thursday (April 14) in the presence of their closest family and friends. The wedding took place in Ranbir’s vastu house. Shortly after the wedding was completed, Alia Bhatt shared pictures of her dreamy wedding on Instagram. Meanwhile, guests have also posted insider pictures from the intimate wedding ceremony. The pictures featured Kareena Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor, Karan Johar, Mahesh Bhatt, Pooja Bhatt, Shaheen Bhatt and others in their best outfits. While in the pictures shared by Alia’s best friends, the couple celebrates with a cake and a champ.
Starting with the bride, Alia Bhatt shared dreamy pictures from her wedding to Ranbir Kapoor. Here, see below:
Kareena Kapoor shared a post with her father Randhir Kapoor with Ranbir Kapoor. Sharing the post, she wrote: “Dad and Brother. Pure luck.”
Kareena Kapoor shared a look at her younger son Jeh happily playing at his uncle’s wedding. She captioned the post FRAMED My Heart My Beta.
In another post, Jeh can be seen in the arms of Anissa Malhotra (the wife of Kareena’s cousin, Armaan Jain). Sharing the post on her Instagram story, she wrote, “My Aniss With Her Boo”
Kareena Kapoor posted a picture of herself with Karan Johar who are twins in pink outfits. Sharing the picture, she wrote, “Kaun hai yeh jisne doobara mudke humein nahin dekha?”
Ranbir Kapoor’s sister Riddhima Kapoor shared several pictures from the wedding ceremony on her Instagram Stories. Starting with her cousin Nitasha Nanda, Ritu Nanda’s daughter, she shared a sweet selfie with her sister.
Next, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni shared the picture with the bride’s mother Alia Bhatt, Soni Razdan, and tagged her name with a heart emoticon.
Ridhhima’s next post was for Sister Kareena Kapoor and was titled My Favorite Girl.
Riddhima also shared a post with her cousin Aadar Jain, son of Aunt Rima Jain.
Next, she shared a post with bride Alia Bhatt’s sister, Shaheen Bhatt, and wrote, “Sister sister.”
Riddhima also shared a Fam Jam picture with Alia Bhatt’s family, including her two sisters, Pooja Bhatt and Shaheen Bhatt, and her brother, Rahul Bhatt.
Riddhima Kapoor Sahni shared a funny picture with Ayan Mukerji.
Riddhima also shared a post with her mother Neetu Kapoor, aunt Rima Jain and sister Nitasha Nanda. All the ladies in the picture looked beautiful.
Ridhhima shared a post with Uncle Karan Kapoor looking stunning in Indian attire.
Riddhima’s next post was dedicated to the Kapoor sisters Kareena, Karisma and Nitasha Nanda. All four pose in style for the camera.
Neetu Kapoor also glimpsed an intimate wedding ceremony. She shared a post on her Instagram Stories with her son-in-law Bharat Sahni and his mother.
Karisma Kapoor shared a picture with newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. Sharing the post, she wrote, “Happy birthday to this beautiful couple, wishing you both a lifetime of happiness and more #familylove #merebhaikishaadihai.”
Karan Johar shared a selfie with newlyweds Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor. He captioned it as “too much love…”
Alia Bhatt’s brother Rahul Bhatt shared a few glimpses from the intimate wedding ceremony. He shared a post with dad Mahesh Bhatt and captioned it “My dad, my universe.”
He also shared a selfie with sister Pooja Bhatt. In the picture, the brother-sister duo show off their million dollar smile.
His next post was for his “beautiful sister” Shaheen Bhatt.
Alia Bhatt’s BFF Akasha Ranjan Kapoor shared a picture of the newlyweds on her Instagram Story and captioned it “To Love, To Life, L’Chaim.”
Alia Bhatt’s other BFF Devika Advani also shared a post of the newlyweds cutting a cake.
Ace designer Manish Malhotra also shared a look at his “favorite people” Karisma Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor and Karan Johar. He captioned the picture as “My absolute favorites forever”
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor got married at Ranbir’s vastu house in Bandra.