1683888630 All the judges unions that have called for the anti government

All the judges’ unions that have called for the anti-government strike are putting him on hold after the recent offer of a pay rise

All the judges unions that have called for the anti government

All judges’ and prosecutors’ associations have agreed to postpone the strike due to the government’s recent offer of a pay rise. The Professional Association of Magistracy (APM, 1,340 members), the largest and most conservative, resisted until Thursday afternoon but finally agreed after a board meeting to postpone the indefinite strike, dubbed “start next” Tuesday, May 16 . The Justice and Treasury Ministries, which are negotiating with judges and prosecutors to increase their salaries, have promised to present a document on the day detailing their offer and putting new improvements on the table on aspects such as the amount of the two careers received for the Guards, triennials and other additions.

In a statement released late Thursday evening, the APM defended that it had “always stood firm in defending the professional claims of the judicial career” and that the call for an indefinite strike was “a difficult and well-considered decision”. “Always aware of the importance of our constitutional function, we were also aware of the serious consequences that a strike can have for the protection and preservation of the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as for the normal functioning of the administration of justice”, assures the club. Although he believes the government’s offer “remains insufficient”, he has decided to suspend the strike “as a gesture of goodwill” and “await the progress made in the remuneration table in the interest of the interests”. . the legal career.

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Postponing the strike gives the government time to back up its proposal and persuade the unions to accept it next Tuesday. If he fails, even if the judges’ and prosecutors’ strike in the first week of the campaign was left out, he would slip down the final road to the election. In this case, two possible scenarios would open up: that the government concludes the salary increase agreement with only some federations and increases judges’ salaries even if they continue the strike, which could complicate its message to public opinion; or that, on the contrary, the Board decides to withdraw the proposal if the majority of the associations reject it.

The APM, which unites the most conservative wing of the race and traditionally holds more power in running the judiciary, was the latest to join the strike postponement. The move was taken as early as Wednesday night by the two prosecutors’ associations supporting the strike – the Association of Prosecutors (AF, with around 600 staff) and the Independent Professional Association of Prosecutors (APIF, with just over 40) – a conservative tendency and the Independent Judicial Forum (339 members). The progressive associations – Association of Judges and Judges for Democracy with 441 members and Progressive Union of Prosecutors with 242 members – had previously decided to accept the government’s proposal not to join the demonstrations, while the Francisco de Vitoria (AJFV , 846 partners) decided this Thursday morning to postpone the strike to May 22nd.

“After analyzing the current situation, we have decided to respond to the request from the Ministry of Justice,” read a statement from the association, which said that while the negotiations at the compensation table “had not borne fruit,” three meetings had already taken place , “a negotiating body that has been inactive for more than a decade”. “There is also on the table a proposal to systematize the table’s technical work plan for the next negotiation cycle – which is five years -” adds the AJFV, which defends that throughout the negotiation “with a” it has had a “constructive.” “Because of the responsibility, we now choose to keep the same course of action and extend the negotiation margin by a few days, as requested by the Ministry. We trust that this additional margin will not go to waste,” the statement read Thursday.

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The progressive JJPD has also issued a statement confirming that it believes the government’s proposal is “reasonable”. For this reason, those in charge have decided to adopt it and convene the meeting scheduled for the 16th, where the government will detail the improvements it proposes aspects such as triennial remuneration, workloads, guards and other variable remuneration, in addition to Aspects of occupational health and professional career. These improvements would come on top of the salary increase already proposed to align judges’ and prosecutors’ salaries with the new efficiency laws, and would see increases of up to €490 per month. The increase would affect the target allowance levied on all judges and prosecutors and would mean the government allocating up to €46.7 million more towards the salaries of both bodies than is currently the case.

The executive proposed to distribute this amount according to the formula chosen by the associations: with a greater impact on judges and prosecutors of higher or lower categories. In any case, the salary increases would vary between 440 and 490 euros per month for judges and between 350 and 490 euros per month for all prosecutors, and with some options all judges and prosecutors would receive a salary increase between 440 and 460 euros per month, a higher increase than that agreed last March with the lawyers of the judicial administration, with an average increase of 431 euros, which put an end to the two-month indefinite strike of this authority and accelerated the mobilization of judges and prosecutors to reach a similar pact.

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