All the weapons Hamas used to attack Israel

All the weapons Hamas used to attack Israel

A series of outposts. The above- and below-ground barrier cost hundreds of millions of dollars: sensors, cameras, remote-controlled towers, the best technology, some of which was entrusted to conscripts. On the other side of the wall, a thousand militiamen with simple weapons.

The Breach To open the breach, they used explosives, bulldozers and tools. Videos of the operation revealed its simplicity, while propaganda videos released later instead showed the mujahideen with ad hoc walkways and logistical equipment on their shoulders. We do not know whether the infiltration also occurred through tunnels; none have been discovered so far. It’s too early to rule it out. Small drones destroyed towers and a tank by dropping bombs.

The weapons

There was and is everything. Kalashnikov-type rifles released from warehouses in the Middle East. Iraqi, Libyan, Russian “pieces”, but also some Israeli models that were captured during the war or recovered through human trafficking. The secret tunnels, the black market and the allies’ (albeit complex) supplies have ensured sufficient supplies. The machine guns are 50 caliber “Soviet” type Dshk, which have been used in all recent conflicts in the region. The obvious aspect confirmed by the videos concerns the “lightness” of the equipment: no heavy backpacks, helmets or anything similar, but the bare essentials to move around without any problem. Experts have identified the presence of Iranian mines, Chinese materials and North Korean anti-tank missiles. There are many grenades, some of which are “artisanal” made in the Gaza Strip, as well as special charges – the EFPs – which are planted on roadsides and are capable of penetrating armor.

– The vehicles

The witness statements, combined with clips on the Internet, describe the incursions of the Al-Aqsa Brigades on motorcycles, cores consisting of 10-12 elements. Two wheels are fast, they allow off-road travel, they are elusive targets. Hamas has copied the tactics of the Islamic State and the Sahel insurgents, which created the “jihadist cavalry.” But before them, the Iranian Pasdaran did so in southern Lebanon, sending their representatives to support the nascent Hezbollah. Not today, not even yesterday, but the day before yesterday. During the raid, the militiamen also used vans that were needed to transport supplies on the way out and hostages on the way back. A journalist described one of these pickup trucks, a Toyota, another symbol of the conflict known for its reliability. Inside there is a magazine, a gas cylinder converted into a booby trap and equipped with a timer taken from a household appliance. Then change shoes and clothing, a container to urinate in so as not to have to leave the vehicle. In the back seat lies the souvenir of the attack on a kibbutz: a plastic bag full of car and house keys.

– Hang glider

For several years now, motor hang gliders have been the surprise within the surprise. It’s not like that, it shouldn’t have been like that. The faction has never hidden the fact that it has it, it has practiced and made a film in a camp in the southern Gaza Strip, and there have been reports of it at other times. Cheap as Kalashnikovs, useful for crossing the “network” undisturbed, difficult to detect. In fact, they covered a short distance, from the starting point to Israeli territory, and then, with a few turns, glided smoothly into the center of the rave festival.

The rockets

In the first few hours, thousands of rockets hit the entire front. They have ample supplies thanks to external supplies and constant developments in Gaza facilitated by orders from Iran/Hezbollah. They are not very precise as they lack a “guide”, but they have military and political value as they allow the faction to target the inhabited areas of Israel. One of the newest “missiles” – renamed Ayyash – could reach a distance of 250 kilometers. One copy stopped at 150.