Alone for Christmas in Antarctica

Alone at Christmas… in Antarctica

Quebec adventurer Caroline Côté will have a very special Christmas as she continues her solo quest to the South Pole.

If the current storm hitting Quebec bothers more than one this holiday season, the 36-year-old from Montreal knew full well that she was imposing spectacular winter conditions by attacking Antarctica.

However, “Being alone is harder than I imagined,” she said via a text message sent via satellite earlier this week. The terrain is difficult. I’m learning to stay calm in a storm, even if I’m scared at times. »

Côté, who launched her expedition two weeks ago, on December 9th, not only wants to reach the South Pole, she wants to reach it in less than 35 days. It would break the record of 38 days and 23 hours held by Swede Johanna Davidson since 2016.

additional motivation

If the Quebecer succeeds alone, her husband Vincent Colliard, who also holds the title of Technical Director, will take a back seat in Punta Arenas, Chile. This is a city in the Patagonia region.

“I myself will be a guide for a group in Antarctica from December 29 through January, and there’s a chance we’ll end up at the South Pole at the end of our adventure,” Colliard said over the phone. Hoping it gives him extra motivation to keep going and keep up the pace. »

Obviously communication with Côté from Antarctica is difficult.

“It’s a race where I have to recharge my batteries from one day to the next,” said the woman who had previously excelled as an ultramarathon runner. It’s windy and there’s a lot of snow, which makes it difficult for me to move forward. »

Brit gives up

Proof of the challenge the Quebecer has taken on is Brit Wendy Searle, who has been forced to retire in recent days while simultaneously attempting to beat the same speed record to reach the South Pole by a single woman . She testified that a combination of factors made breaking the record unthinkable.

However, Côté continued on its 1,150-kilometre route through the “Sastrugi”, those large strips of snow sculpted by the wind. Mostly skiing while pulling her big sled behind her. She could become the first Quebecer to reach the South Pole solo and only the second Canadian after Ontario’s Meagan McGrath.

In preparation for Antarctica, Côté took part in an expedition to Greenland as a tour guide in the autumn.

Caroline Cote

Archival photo by Vincent Colliard

Caroline Cote

“It’s incomparable, it’s very cold in Antarctica,” she decided. For comparison: It was hot in Greenland. »

Understand its purpose

The Quebecois, who is also a filmmaker, is apparently snapping photos of her adventure, which is set to last through the second week of January.

To understand why Côté pulled off this feat instead of enjoying Christmas Eve with turkey, meat pie and meatball stew, you have to refer to a specific quote on his website.

“Through these moments of doubt, which we all experience at some point in our lives, we become authentic and transparent with ourselves. Because when we overcome certain challenges during an adventure, we don’t just deal with snow, rock, wind, storms or crevices in our journey apart, but also with ourselves and our fragility as human beings,” writes Caroline Côté.

“Through filming and producing documentaries, I understand my essence, my reason for being, better,” she adds. All that remains is to wish him a Merry Christmas!