Always yes AMLO will travel to San Francisco to meet

Always yes: AMLO will travel to San Francisco to meet with Biden

Written in NATIONAL on October 9th, 2023 · 9:19 am

president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) announced that he would always take part in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC), despite the differences in relations with Peru.

“On November 14th and 15th we will be in San Francisco with President Biden. I had two options: Washington on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and San Francisco, and I chose San Francisco because it is a meeting that is very important.” “We thank you for the economic and trade relations . It is the Asia-Pacific meeting and we will take part in it,” announced the Federal President.

And on September 21, the Federal President announced the cancellation of this visit because Mexico “does not have any relations with Peru and, with all due respect, we do not want to be involved in that,” he said last month.

A meeting with neighboring countries on immigration issues is taking place in Palenque

In addition, President AMLO reported that a meeting would be held in Palenque, Chiapas on October 22nd. DEPresidents and cMinisters from neighboring countries who are confronted with the migration phenomenon.

“I invite the President of Ecuador, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, the Prime Minister of Belize, the President of Guatemala, Venezuela, Haiti, Cuba, Costa Rica and Panama because they are the countries that are involved in everything related to this “The most important thing is to interfere with migration,” he said.

Why is AMLO “angry” with Peru?

The dispute between President López Obrador and Peru arises from the dismissal of Pedro Castillo.

In this regard, the Mexican president at the time believed that Dina Boluarte should do this Call for new elections given the great rejection of Peruvian society towards the Congress and stop any legal proceedings against Castillo.

Mexico also has one, along with Peru, Colombia and Chile Trade pact known as the Pacific Alliancewhose presidency was also controversial, as the transfer of pro tempore command from Mexico to Peru was caught up in the diplomatic conflict between both leaders.

Meanwhile, President López Obrador said of his visit to San Francisco that he was “insisted upon” and that his counterpart in the United States also “behaved very well” and that for these reasons he agreed to the trip.

“I had thought that I would not be in San Francisco because of the attitude of the Peruvian government, because of the injustice committed against the Peruvian president (…), because it is not a personal matter of the president who prevailed but has It’s about not advocating injustice with my presence.; However, since they insisted and President Biden has behaved very well, I agreed that I will go,” he said.

Furthermore, he stated that he will not be on this forum all the time. “Now it will be like arriving a day early, sleeping, participating, eating and coming back,” said President AMLO wryly about his visit to San Francisco.