Amanda says on ‘BBB 23’ that she wants an invite to Lexa’s show to wash McGuimê’s underwear and the singer replies

This Tuesday afternoon (24), Amanda and Bruna Griphao joked on “BBB 23” with Mc Guimê that they deserved invites to Lexa’s show because they took care of him at the “Big Brother Brasil” house. During laundry day, Amanda shot, “I’m waiting for an invite to a Lexa show because I wash her husband’s underwear, eh,” she said, laughing. Lexa responded on Twitter that the two were already confirmed.

The singer closely followed Mc Guimê’s participation in the show and shared her impressions with fans on social networks. After MC Guimê defended Gabriel following allegations of an abusive relationship with Bruna Griphao, Lexa’s fans asked the singer for a position. The singer, who had previously criticized the courtship of those locked up, wrote a message to her fans on Twitter.

“I’m not Guimê and I don’t agree with a lot of things he says. I hope people know how to separate this. I will never support aggression. Guimê was never that person with me. said Lexa.

Just today, she said she was taking time off from the show because of her mental health. According to the singer, the impact of Mc Guimê’s speeches took on great proportions.

“I do think the boys have lost their hands and are exaggerating. It seems that Mc Guimê committed a crime. You talk nonsense with his mother, with me and even with my mother. And he wasn’t the one who did the stupid thing. People need to separate the game,” he wrote on his social network.