Little Zeynab Cherrabbi El Alaoui, one year old, has been missing in Lachine since Tuesday morning. The Montreal City Police Service (SPVM) issued an Amber Alert to find her and the main suspect in the case, the child's mother, Miryanna Monterrosa-Laberge.
Investigators received information that led them to believe that 18-year-old Ms. Monterrosa-Laberge may be in the Laval area. That's why personnel were stationed there, said SPVM spokesman Jean-Pierre Brabant, pointing out that research would also continue in Montreal. Police are asking the public to call 911 if they see these two people.
The child is wearing a pale pink onesie with a pink and white unicorn pattern on it. His grandparents, who have custody of him and live on Rue Louis-Basile Pigeon, reported his disappearance at around 9:25 a.m. on Tuesday morning. “When they checked the child's room, they discovered that he was not there and that there was an open window in the back,” Officer Brabant explained.
The baby's mother has a scar on the left corner of her upper lip and on her forehead. She is 160 cm (5 feet 3 inches) tall and weighs 54 kg (120 pounds). “Normally we have information about a vehicle in an Amber Alert, but at this point there is nothing that leads us to believe it was a car that was used,” the SPVM spokesperson said.
The child's father was located by agents in Laval who spoke with him to obtain further information as part of their investigation.