Amber Heard was despised by Elon Musks family for dragging

Amber Heard was despised by Elon Musk’s family for dragging the Tesla founder into a “dark vortex”, a book reveals

Elon Musk’s family despised Amber Heard because they considered her “toxic” and a “nightmare,” according to a new biography of the SpaceX founder.

Musk’s brother Kimbal and the entrepreneur’s friends hated the Aquaman star “with a passion” because she brought so much drama into his life during their year-long relationship.

According to Musk’s senior staff, Heard was “like the Joker in Batman” who “thrives on destabilizing everything.”

Walter Isaacson’s biography of Musk, titled “Elon Musk,” describes the relationship as a “dark vortex,” the most painful relationship the Tesla founder ever had.

The new biography entitled Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson describes the “toxic” relationship between the Tesla founder and Amber Heard.  Heard began dating the Tesla founder around the time she split from Johnny Depp in May 2016, and by August of the following year they had split

The new biography entitled Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson describes the “toxic” relationship between the Tesla founder and Amber Heard. Heard began dating the Tesla founder around the time she split from Johnny Depp in May 2016, and by August of the following year they had split

The book reveals that Musk's brother Kimbal said the family hated Heard

The book reveals that Musk’s brother Kimbal said the family hated Heard “with a passion” because of the “toxic” years-long relationship with Musk. Elon is pictured with mother Maye and brother Kimbal

“It was brutal,” Musk says of his time with Heard, adding that the breakup resulted in the “most focused period of pain” he has ever endured.

“Elon Musk,” out Tuesday, sheds new light on Heard, 37, whose tempestuous marriage to Johnny Depp led to a televised civil trial in Virginia and ended with a jury awarding him $15 million in defamation damages promised.

In the book, Isaacson writes that Musk, 52, who has 11 children by three different women, was “not bred for domestic tranquility.”

The new biography entitled Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson was published today

The new biography entitled Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson was published today

The book states: “Most of his relationships are characterized by psychological turmoil.”

“Most excruciating of all was with actress Amber Heard, which dragged him into a dark vortex that lasted more than a year and caused deep-seated pain that continues to this day.”

“It was brutal,” writes the author.

Their affair began after she filmed the 2012 film Machete Kills and he agreed to work as a consultant. The film was about an inventor who wants to start a company on an orbiting space station.

Heard says in the book: “I guess you could call me a geek for someone who could also be called a hot girl,” she jokes. Musk took her on a Tesla ride and Heard “decided he looked attractive for a rocket engineer.”

Their next meeting took place in May 2016 at the Met Gala in New York. Heard was on the verge of divorcing Depp and found Musk to be “a breath of fresh air.”

A few weeks later, Musk visited Heard in Miami, where she was working. He flew them to Cape Canaveral, where the Falcon 9 was scheduled to launch.

Heard “thought it was the most interesting date she had ever had,” the book says.

For Musk’s birthday in June, she paid him a surprise visit to the Tesla factory in California by flying in from Italy, where she worked.

I heard that he “hid in the back seat of a Tesla and jumped out” when Musk came by.

Their relationship “deepened” in 2017 when he flew to Australia to be with her while she was filming “Aquaman.” Musk told her she reminded him of Mercy, his favorite character in the video game Overwatch.

According to the book, Heard spent two months designing a costume for the character so she could “role-play for him.”

Musk walked the red carpet with his mother Maye at the 2022 Met Gala Amber Heard testified about meeting her ex-boyfriend Elon Musk at the Met Gala in 2016.  She was dating him around the time of her breakup with Johnny Depp

“The most excruciating of all was the one with actress Amber Heard, which dragged him into a dark vortex that lasted more than a year and caused deep-seated pain that continues to this day,” the author writes. Musk walked the red carpet with his mother Maye at the 2022 Met Gala

The book states: “Her playfulness, however, was accompanied by the kind of turmoil that Musk attracted.”

“His brother and his friends hated her with a passion that faded their dislike for Justine (Musk’s first wife).”

“Elon Musk,” out Tuesday, sheds new light on Heard, 37, whose tempestuous marriage to Johnny Depp led to a televised civil trial in Virginia and ended with a jury awarding him $15 million in defamation damages promised

“Elon Musk,” out Tuesday, sheds new light on Heard, 37, whose tempestuous marriage to Johnny Depp led to a televised civil trial in Virginia and ended with a jury awarding him $15 million in defamation damages promised

“She was just so toxic,” Kimbal says. ‘A nightmare’. Musk’s chief of staff Sam Teller compares her to a cartoon villain.

“She was like the Joker in Batman,” he says. She had no other goal than chaos. She thrives on destabilizing everything.’

“She and Musk stayed up all night fighting, and then he couldn’t get up until the afternoon.”

They split in July 2017 but got back together for another five “stormy months.”

The end finally came after a “wild” trip to Rio de Janeiro in December 2017 with Kimbal, his wife and some of the children.

The book states: “When they arrived at the hotel, Elon and Amber had another of their flamethrower fights.”

“She locked herself in the room and started screaming that she was afraid of being attacked and that Elon had stolen her passport.”

Kimbal and Musk’s security team tried to calm Heard down and tell her that she could “leave whenever she wanted.”

Kimbal said: “She’s actually a very good actress, so she’ll say things that make you say, ‘Wow, maybe she’s telling you the truth,’ but she’s not. “The way she can create her own reality reminds me of my father.”

In the book, Amber admits that they had an argument and that “she got pretty dramatic,” but claims that the matter was resolved that evening, which happened to be New Year’s Eve.

Heard showed Isaacson videos and photos from that night that showed her and Musk: Musk wishes her a happy new year and kisses her “passionately” on the lips.

The book states: “She (Heard) concluded that Musk cultivated drama because he needed a lot of stimuli to invigorate himself.”

“Even after they finally separated, the glow remained. “I love him very much,” she says. She understands him well too.

“Elon loves fire and sometimes it burns him,” she says.

Isaacson observed Musk's daily life for two years, including during his Twitter takeover, when he laid off more than half of the workforce

Isaacson observed Musk’s daily life for two years, including during his Twitter takeover, when he laid off more than half of the workforce

Isaacson writes that unlike Heard, Grimes, the singer and mother of three of Musk's children, was a

Isaacson writes that unlike Heard, Grimes, the singer and mother of three of Musk’s children, was a “good partner” for him because her “chaos was underpinned by kindness and even sweetness.”

After the separation, the summer of 2017 to fall 2018 was the “most hellish time of his life,” Isaacson writes about Musk.

Musk says: “That was the most painful time I’ve ever had.” 18 months of unrelenting madness. It was incredibly painful.’

At meetings with investors, Musk appeared in a “comatose” state and was repeatedly asked to be alone in a room with the lights off.

But Kimbal disagreed and was relieved Heard was gone.

He says in the book that it’s “really sad” that his brother “falls in love with these people who are really mean to him.” He said: “They’re beautiful, no question about it, but they have a very dark side and Elon knows they’re poisonous.”

Isaacson writes that unlike Heard, Grimes, the singer and mother of three of Musk’s children, was a “good partner” for him because her “chaos was underpinned by kindness and even sweetness.”

Grimes says, “My Dungeons and Dragons alignment would probably be chaotic good, while Amber’s would probably be chaotic evil.” He is attracted to chaotic evil.

“It’s about his father and what he grew up with, and he quickly gets treated badly again.” He associates love with meanness or insult. There is an Errol Amber through line.’