Amelia Vega responds to rumors of sixth pregnancy with humor

Miss Universe 2003, Amelia WegaShe responded to the rumors with humor pregnancy which have been in circulation for several days and which according to the account of the have increased Boston Celticswhere her husband plays Al Horford, will post an affectionate video of the NBA player being congratulated by four of his offspring as he leans against the wall with a bulging stomach.

The post generated a lot of comments and the most repeated question was if it was coming the couple’s sixth baby.

amelie went to his Instagram stories and uploaded a video while enjoying last night’s match between them Boston Celtics and Atlanta Hawkss, along with his eldest son Ean and his father-in-law Tito Horford.

“Gentlemen, I’m looking for a sponsor (advertiser), like the Nascar racers who sponsor their bodies, putting one on the stomach area because it’s a very popular area lately, then it wouldn’t be bad (laughs). There’s a full-body shot,” he said.

Immediately afterwards he uploaded a photo accompanied by the expelotero David Ortiz and from Titus Horford and posed in a black and white patterned dress or nightgown with long sleeves, black stockings and ankle boots, but Covering the abdomen with a virtual label or sticker.

The images of the video uploaded by the Celtics show how Ean, Ali, Ava And It does not workall dressed in the uniform of their father’s team (Boston Celtics), happily rush to him, who greets them with hugs, kisses and laughter, while Amelia stays near an elevator, capturing the special moment on her cellphone.

He The singer also gave birth to Mila Horford Vega on December 12, 2022his fifth offspring, pregnancy which he announced last June.

“Welcome my doll, mom and dad love you so much. Thank you sir for another promise fulfilled, in my arms today,” Amelia wrote in a post.

Amelia and Al married on December 24, 2011 and fathered 8-year-old Ean and four girls: Alia, six; Ava, four years old; Two-year-old Nova and baby Mila.