Americans spend 80 million on their wedding in Paris

Americans spend $80 million on their wedding in Paris – TVA Nouvelles

Privatization of the Eiffel Tower and the Garnier Opera. Huge spending on flowers and luxury brands… The wedding of an American couple in Paris fascinates Internet users.

Influencer and wealthy heiress Madelaine Brockway married Jacob La Grone on November 18th.

Pictures of the wedding have been circulating on social media for several days, showing private jet travel, dress fittings and majestic floral installations.

The celebrations, which lasted five days, were magnificent.

The young couple notably privatized the Garnier Opera House, where a welcome dinner was organized.

According to florists Kania and Nathan Underwood, nearly 40,000 flowers were placed in one part of the building.

“About 2,000 kilos of flowers worth over 100,000 euros (almost $150,000),” Ms Underwood told BFMTV.

The lovers also privatized the Palace of Versailles to stay overnight before inviting their guests to Chanel, where some were able to make their own bags.

Their union was finally celebrated at the Château de la Villette in the suburbs of Paris.

For the occasion, the building was decorated with lily of the valley, the bride’s favorite flower.

And it was Maroon 5 singer Adam Lavine who added to the entertainment as he treated the couple and their guests to a private concert.

The bill for all this luxury? According to several French media, around 54 million euros (more than 80 million dollars).

A sum paid in part by the bride’s father, Robert “Bob” Brockway, a wealthy entrepreneur who specialized in importing Mercedes-Benz cars to the United States.