Amici 22 Marcello Sacchetta responds to the fandom who criticized

Amici 22, Marcello Sacchetta responds to the fandom who criticized him for the dance classification

Yesterday in the daily series of Amici we were at a dance rehearsal that took place in the theater and was judged by Marcellus Sacchetta.

The dancer saw all five students dance, ie Mathias Zenzola, Isobel Kinnear, Magdalena Swevi, Ramon Agnelli And Alessio Cavalieri, and when the performances are over Marcellus expressed his opinion.

Based on his grades, it turned out that this was the first Alexeifollowed by isobel, madeleine, ramon and finally Mathiasand only the verdict on Mathiasthat was:

You certainly had a lot of energy and that makes you very special. But there is a small problem. You never looked at me, you never tried to connect with me. Contact with the public is very important. You were always looking down. This thing gave me the keys to enter your world. He’s in a couple of times, but every once in a while he tries to get me involved.

And his last position angered the student’s many fans, who harshly criticized him on social networks Bag. As expected, the first thing we heard was the dissatisfaction of the fans Mathias, Marcellus decided to intervene personally on Instagram:

I went home and read some tweets and comments on the episode that aired on Amici. Especially from some fan communities there are some people who limit themselves to the final ranking and throw away everything else as if it doesn’t matter. Still, I said many things, I gave constructive advice to grow, to improve. I love all kinds of dance, especially when done right.

Then he continued:

Over the course of this year I have kept praising the guys because they are very talented and I’m someone who doesn’t waste compliments, on the contrary. A leaderboard can never please everyone because everyone has their own taste and then everyone cheers for whoever they want. I’ll close by saying that writing swear words and insults doesn’t make you a better person or engineer, it doesn’t make your supporter proud, in fact they might be ashamed if they knew. Be more respectful, but above all, listen! I’m responding to some criticisms received from a prankster in Mattia’s fanbase: Contrary to what you say, I’ve always liked him and it shows the fact that I was still in the casting for last year!