Amici 22 preview of the third episode a disciplinary measure

Amici 22, preview of the third episode: a disciplinary measure and two direct challenges

Today Wednesday September 28, 2022 the third episode of the twenty-second edition of Amici was registered: Here’s what happened.

Today, Wednesday, September 28, 2022, the third episode of the twenty-second edition of Amici was recorded what is broadcast Sunday October 2nd at 2pm on Canale 5.

Here are the previews published by SuperGuidaTv:

Achilles Lauro judged the challenge between the singers. beta – Student of Alexandra Celentano – the rehearsal of the dancers. None of the boys dropped out. ramonYour ballet dancer has the sagging shirt again.

The episode begins with a video of the Celentano. They featured a post on Instagram in which they gave her flowers, the internet trying to guess the mystery boy’s name and how they proposed to him Rudi, Todaro and Stephen de Martino. The teacher obviously denied it. Rudy Zerbi He said that there is a great friendship between them but it can’t be anything because their relationship would last like a cat on the ring road.

Unreleased race. Chosen to face each other: level, tommy and wax. Judge Max Brigante. wins tommy.

Disciplinary action for the boys. The production showed a video of all the singers coming out of the studio and not following the rules, then decided that the last one classified in the cover contest would be challenged. The only one who saves himself Aaron because he never left the studio level and tommy because of the unpublished race.

Race Coverage: tommy and levelalthough they were exonerated, they still chose to enter the cover contest, showing themselves to be so proactive and showing that they wanted to make the most of the opportunity they were given to perform. wax was the most hesitant. He didn’t seem to want to participate because he already wanted a challenge Rudibut in the end inspired by Arisahe decided to get involved.

Voices of the singers and dancers:

8.5 Ludovica; 8th Matthew, Megan and ramon; 7.5 Samuel and Gianmarco; 7+ samu; 7- Magdalena; 6+ Asia; Aaron 6; level 6; Federica 6.5; NDG 8th; Small G 6; tommy 7; Andre 6.5; wax 8. In challenge they go Small G and level.

task of Emmanuel Lo to Rita. Dance first Rita and then Elena, the professional. The Prof expresses a negative opinion and inevitably leads to a dispute between Alexandra Celentano and Emmanuel Lo.

ramon was criticized by Emmanuel Lo because he always looked the hardest at the ground. Raimondo gave him a lower grade than all his achievements.

clique wasn’t in the studio. The reason is currently unknown.

The challenges: wax against a boy who played the piano. Judge Charlie Rapino. wax stays in school. level against a girl named Federica. wins level.

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