Amici 22 what happened on New Years Eve Maria De

Amici 22 what happened on New Year’s Eve: Maria De Filippi’s speech during the episode | ​​​​​​

Continue discussing what happened during the New Year’s episode in Amici, the talent show hosted by Maria DeFilippi.

The events, which took place on New Year’s Eve, held the scene to mark the format’s final episode, which aired in the early afternoon of Sunday, January 15.

Amici 22 what happened on New Year’s Eve: Maria De Filippi’s speech during the episode

Entering Amici’s studio, Maria De Filippi seemed a little tense, and after greeting the audience and teachers, she began by stating, “It’s a pretty special episode, let’s put it that way.

I mean it seriously and not with joy, because something happened at school”.

Drawing the attention of the audience in the studio and at home to the benches of Amici’s students, the moderator specified: “When you see the benches, you find someone who isn’t there. Exactly? OK. And I would let her in. So we bring Tommy Dali, Valeria, Samu, Wax, Maddalena and NDG. You are standing here in front of the professors – and he added -. You know exactly what you did.

The professors saw a film, your fellow students saw it too, together with you.”

production measures

At that point, De Filippi told the children that she decided not to broadcast the offending video to protect the many children following the program. “I’ve decided not to air it, I’ll tell you that right now. I decided it for both you and the people who follow the program,” he said.

“I don’t want to judge what you’ve done now. What I definitely want to tell you is that this program is not a mature, responsible attitude. Especially compared to what the program asks of you.”

The presenter then shared that the production had taken action against the six boys and had set up stools in the studio for the students to sit on prior to the announcement.

The presenter then shared that the production had taken action against the six boys and had set up stools in the studio for the students to sit on prior to the announcement.

“I will read to you what is written: ‘The behavior of Tommy Dali, Wax, NDG, Valeria, Maddalena and Samu showed a complete lack of maturity and responsibility, which will inevitably have consequences in relation to events. Because of this, the production has decided that today Tommy, Wax, NDG, Valeria, Maddalena and Samu will support immediate challenges to be judged by outside judges against the production-chosen candidates.

Amici 22, the faculty’s centrality to punishment after the New Year’s Gate

After introducing the six challengers selected by the production, Maria De Filippi added: “The production decided that. But the fact remains that there are professors, right? So the production repeats, despite opting for the immediate challenge centrality of the faculty in the course of the students of the school, therefore, every professor can decide about his own student, if he thinks to act differently than decided by the production, by choosing to do so elimination, suspension or any other measure deemed appropriate”.

In particular, De Filippi foresaw that Lorella Cuccarini had already decided on the measure against her student Valeria, of which the production is already aware. However, the decision was not announced immediately.

Zerby to Tommy after New Year’s Eve: “The video is the very serious peak of behavior that is always on the sidelines”

In fact, the presenter chose to give the floor first to Rudy Zerbi who, after getting Tommy to stand up and put him in the middle of the studio, said: “Like Maria said, we’ve seen the film too. The video is the very serious culmination of behavior that has been going on since the beginning of the program. Every moment we did something, you were involved. You’re demonstrating, you’ve shown it from the start, immaturity, little responsibility, little attachment to all the resources the program puts at your disposal. I repeat: the video is just the culmination of behavior that has always left me quite baffled. I, Maria, am canceling the challenge and want him to leave the program immediately.

“You expected that, right?” the presenter asked Tommy. To which the boy replied, “That was one of the possibilities. I wanted to say one thing: I thought I’d gotten out of a certain kind of mentality, and I’ve gotten out of it, but not quite.

Then Tommy turned to the professor and added: “I tried to write to you: in a gesture it comes back, in a certain kind of behavior, I’ve taken so many steps forward since I’ve been here because I I know where I am from, I know where I come from and I also know where I want to go. I know I have to go straight for it and I did my best to make it. I was wrong. I kept relapsing. I’m sorry. I’m sorry because you believed in me from day one. I feel sorry for myself first. And like the play says, “It ends well,” okay? In this case, this bracket didn’t end well, but I take home a lot of good things from this program. I bring home so many lessons, so many personal and musical improvements, and if it doesn’t end badly, it means it’s not over yet. So you’ll be hearing from me, that’s for sure.”

Tommy leaves Amici 22, Zerbi gets angry at the reaction of the other children at the New Year’s Gate

Maria De Filippi then greeted Tommy and told him to leave the studio. Before leaving, the boy was accompanied by the other students involved in the New Year’s Gate. The group exchanged tearful hugs.

The young people’s attitude angered Zerbi, who thundered right after Tommy’s exit: “Since you’re all involved, I think you should be in charge now. Instead of giving hugs like real friends, you should have been friends with each other to avoid what’s about to happen. So I’d be a little calmer guys because you’re also a little bit hypocritical when you do that – and he pointed out –. Loving each other also means helping each other not do bullshit, okay?”.

Immediately after that, the moderator launched the challenge from Samu.