AMLO offers that there will be no health care budget

AMLO offers that there will be no health care budget constraint

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s commitment comes 40 months after the start of his term of office, the health system has not gained momentum.

With his arrival, Popular Insurance disappeared and he founded the Health Institute for Well-being amid criticism from governors that the government wanted to centralize medical care.

For months, the health sector has been suffering from a shortage of medicines, which has prompted the federal president to ask Health Minister Jorge Alcocer and Insabi director Juan Ferrer to solve the problem without excuses.

“This is for Juan Ferrer, this is for Dr. Alcocer, I don’t want to hear about the lack of medicines and I don’t want any excuses, we can’t sleep peacefully if there are no medicines to take care of the sick,” he said at an event last November.

Now the federal government is backing the IMSS Wellness Program, a program in which the states participate to provide medical care to Mexicans.

By 2020, 35.7 million people were without social security. The National Council for the Evaluation of Social Policy (Coneval) reported that 28.2% of Mexicans said they were not affiliated with, registered with, or eligible to receive health services in any public or private entity, compared to 16.2% in 2018 .

A 50 minute report

Two minutes after 5:00 p.m. the Federal President went to the Court of Honor of the Federal Office to deliver his thirteenth government report this afternoon on the occasion of the 100-day beginning of his fourth year in office.

Unlike the last report, this one was conducted with few guests including members of his cabinet such as Health Minister Jorge Alcocer; Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, Economy Minister Tatiana Clouthier; Security Minister Rosa Icela Rodríguez; the Interior Minister, Adán Augusto López; the Minister of Welfare; Ariadna Montiel Reyes; the head of the CFE, Manuel Bartlett; the head of Sedatu, Roman Meyer; the Defense Ministers, Luis Cresencio Sandoval; that of Marina, Rafael Ojeda Durán; alongside the Attorney General of the Republic, Alejandro Gertz Manero; Prime Minister Cludia Sheinbaum; legislators and entrepreneurs.

This message comes two days after the mandate was revoked, in which more than 15 million Mexicans asked him to remain in office.

The President stressed that he will continue to strive to advance the revolution of conscience in word and deed to ensure that the changes achieved so far are irreversible even when his government ends.

“I think there are two basic things: to continue to advance the consciousness revolution with words and deeds, which is the most effective way to counter the conservative and reactionary thinking of our opponents, and not only for the conquests of our time that it is for everything we achieve for the benefit of the people is irreversible, and the best guarantee, the best insurance, is to change the mentality of our people, because people will be responsible for defending these achievements for their own benefit. he said.