AMLO promises to leave the healthcare system quotbetter than denmarkquot

AMLO promises to leave the healthcare system "better than denmark" Lopez Doriga

president Andrew Manuel Lopez Obrador promised that he would keep his promise healthcare system in our country like Denmarkeven better.

The foregoing has been detailed by the President of Mexico in Juchitanin the state of oaxacawhere he oversaw the IMSS Bienestar Health Plan.

We will have a first-class health system, I said: better than the Danish one, that’s the plan,” he said to applause.

The Mexican President assured that he would keep this promise even if his opponents laughed because he was a “man of his word”.

“The opposition, conservative, corrupt opponents laugh at me when I say that we will leave a healthcare system like the Danish one, they say ha ha ha, they laugh; Well, they don’t know that I am a man of my word and that commitments will be honored,” he argued.

In addition, López Obrador pointed out that the medicines will also be free: “Not just the base table, all medicines!!, because there is no charge, here in this hospital there will be no cash register because there will be no charge,” he added.

The President said he supported the proposal Zoe RobledoDirector General of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), which consists of … Reinstatement of retired medical specialists who are able to provide services with the aim of strengthening the health system.

“What do we offer these 10,000? That they keep their pension and that we give them work otherwise and guarantee them a five-year contract with a full skilled worker’s salary. If we have to talk about health in the morning, I’ll call them all,” he said.

With information from López-Dóriga Digital