AMLO thanks Yucatan for the votes received in the revocation

AMLO thanks Yucatan for the votes received in the revocation of the mandate

After a quick count National Electoral Institute (INE), in Yucatan, 356,450 voted, of which 94.60% supported his management in the consultation to revoke the mandate, a number estimated by the Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador from the National Palace.

When counting the calculated log, the electoral body counts about 15 million votes, of which just over 90% supported the President of Mexico to continue his government for the next three years until 2024.

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Of the 32 states Yucatan achieved eighth place with 21.50% turnout and 94.60% acceptance, a higher number than in 2006 when it won all but the Southeast in the Entity.

The first 10 digits in the revocation of the mandate

  • Tabasco – 627,000 590 – 35.90%
  • Chiapas – one million 051 thousand 993 – 27.80%
  • Campeche – 177 thousand 228 – 26.80%
  • Veracruz – one million 511,000 601 – 25.60%
  • Tlaxcala – 241,000 933 – 24.90%
  • Warrior – 567,000 848 – 22.30%
  • Oaxaca – 645,000 903 – 21.50%
  • Yucatan – 356,000 450 – 21.50%
  • Quintana Roo – 272,000 633 – 20.40%
  • Hidalgo – 455,000 533 – 20.20%

Recognition of the progressive position

Similarly, López Obrador highlighted the progressive position of the newspaper Por Esto! emerges, which offers a counterbalance to the currently existing conservative position.

He highlighted the progress Yucatan has made from a conservative media company to a progressive one like Por Esto!, founded by Don Mario Renato Menéndez and directed by Alicia Menéndez Figueroa.

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