AMLO Tomorrow Today May 4 2023 Real Madrid World Challenge

AMLO Tomorrow Today May 4, 2023: Real Madrid World Challenge 2023, Samuel García, Canadian Pacific Kansas City, Fentanyl, Sky News, Los Chapitos, José Ramón López Beltrán and Andrés Manuel López Beltrán, Elba Esther Gordillo, Carlos sdpnoticias

president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) carried out today’s morning conference Thursday, May 4, 2023 live from the National Palace with various topics on his agenda.

The conference kicks off this Thursday with the businessman Carlos Bremer, AMLO and Samuel García celebrated that a selection of young people from Nuevo León was crowned in the Real Madrid World Challenge 2023.

Immediately, AMLO launched against them Sky News reports on fentanyl and accused of being part of a United States campaign against Mexico due to the crisis caused by this drug.

On the same subject, the Secretary of the Navy, Jose Rafael Ojeda Durandenied the Sky News reports on fentanylof which he highlighted several dubious aspects.

Later, and after the controversy sparked by Latinus, AMLO pointed out that the information from the Report on alleged business dealings of friends of his son Andrés Manuel López Beltrán with the cancellation of the NAICM.

He also defended his eldest son Jose Ramon Lopez Beltranaccording to MCCI reporters They went to see him at his house to give his version for the most recent report”the other gray house“.

At the end of the conference this Thursday AMLO boasted being the sixth most watched streamer in Hispanic America.

Mañanera: AMLO claims to be among the most watched streamers in Spanish

AMLO boasted about being the sixth most watched streamer in Hispanic America.

The most read in Mexico

López Obrador pointed out that achieving this position is due to the fact that There are many young people in Morena.

“That we’re in sixth place, we’re going to throw oil here, in live broadcasts in the world in Hispanics. This is for pure youth. What are we doing there? Because there are a lot of young people in the movement.”


Morning: AMLO commemorates the 85th birthday of Carlos Monsiváis

AMLO commemorated the 85th anniversary of the Birth of the writer Carlos Monsiváiswhom he described as “one of the finest intellectuals in the history of Mexico”.

He found that the writer was total detached from the substance and told some anecdotes that he lived with him.

“Today is the 85th birthday of Maestro Carlos Monsiváis, one of the greatest intellectuals in the history of our country. Completely detached from the material”


Mañanera: AMLO insists that Elba Esther Gordillo imposed ISSSTE on Miguel Ángel Yunes

When you talk about them Corruption at ISSSTE during Felipe Calderón’s six-year tenureAMLO insisted Elba Esther Gordillo was the one who imposed Miguel Angel Yunes in the ISSSTE as payment for voter fraud in 2006.

This also after Elba Esther Gordillo’s reply, in which she disputed the statements made by the President on the subject.

“Calderón pays the teacher EATSTE and she had a good relationship with Yunes. Yunes goes to ISSSTE, compensates her for helping out with voter fraud. Later on, Yunes had a fight with the teacher and from then on she says so.”


Mañanera: AMLO admits that those involved in the Latinus report are friends of his son Andrés Manuel

AMLO admitted that some of those involved in the alleged deal this implied the cancellation of the NAICM Yes, they are friends of your son Andrés Manuel López Beltránnevertheless stated that there are no conflicts of interest.

He asked for the report to be analyzed and assured that it was only slander.

“Yes, some do, but do the math, look at the report, it’s nothing… it’s slander. Nothing (there is no conflict of interest), there is no problem.”


Mañanera: AMLO defends his son José Ramón López Beltrán for MCCI’s The Other Gray House report

AMLO also defended his eldest son Jose Ramon Lopez Beltranaccording to MCCI reporters They went to see him at his house to give his version for the most recent report”the other gray house“.

The President blamed what the reporters did it was bullying and asked his children “endure” And do not fall for provocations.

“Yesterday they went to the house where José Ramón lives to wait for him. It’s bullying, but I tell my kids, ‘Wait, don’t fall for provocations.’ You’re not allowed to do that”


Mañanera: AMLO says the information in the Latinus report about his son Andrés Manuel López Beltrán and his friends is incorrect

AMLO pointed out that the information from the Report on the alleged dealings of the friends of his son Andrés Manuel López Beltrán with the cancellation of the NAICM.

He in turn accused Loret de Mola of “is a specialist in assembly‘ and pointed out that if you have evidence of corruption, submit it to the FGR.

“For Loret to publish a report that my children are doing business, which is just plain wrong. It is not true. It has been proven that he is a specialist in montages. If you have evidence of corruption, go to the prosecutor.”


Likewise AMLO prompted Carlos Loret de Mola to exchange goods from their respective families: “We will come to an agreement, we will exchange goods, anything that my family has with what your family has. I’ll scratch,” he suggested.

Tomorrow: AMLO avoids commenting on the alleged letter from Los Chapitos to Azucena Uresti

When asked about the alleged Letter to the journalist Azucena Urestisaid AMLO not to know the content but to know its existence.

The President preferred not to comment, assuring that he was acting in accordance with what the legal framework dictated and not speculating.

“I don’t know the content, we don’t have an opinion on that. We act in accordance with the legal framework and do not speculate.”


AMLO-MORNING: Navy Secretary Elizabeth García Vilchis disputes Sky News’ report on fentanyl

The Secretary of the Navy Jose Rafael Ojeda Durandenied the Sky News reports on fentanylof which he highlighted the following aspects:

  • Barrels shown are not labeled
  • Drug dealers never say the drug they deal in is fentanyl
  • Vegetation color does not correspond to the month of May
  • Laboratories apparently not suitable for the production of fentanyl
  • lack of protection for the people involved in the production of fentanyl when dealing with the drugs and the journalists present
  • He said the labs shown by the international media would be methamphetamine but not fentanyl

Admiral Ojeda confirmed this Yes, fentanyl supplies have been confiscated in Mexicobut what is shown in the report does not correspond to reality.

Tomorrow: AMLO explodes against a Sky News report on fentanyl

AMLO started against the Sky News reports on fentanyl and accused of being part of a United States campaign against Mexico due to the crisis caused by that drug.

Almost everything they spread is a lie or half-truthssaid AMLO.

Although he acknowledged that fentanyl causes thousands of deaths in the United States, criticized that only Mexico was responsible the manufacture, trafficking and sale of drugs in this country.

Mañanera: AMLO wants Canadian Pacific Kansas City to build a passenger train from CDMX to Querétaro

AMLO indicated that he made a proposal to the company Canadian Pacific Kansas City the construction of Train Mexico-Querétaro.

The President announced that he had proposed to the Canadian Pacific Kansas City Company to build the Mexico-Querétaro train before the saturation of the highway that connects to said company with the CDMX for Industrial Growth performing at the Bajío.

“Yes, we talked about it. They will analyze the proposal we made them. We want to have a passenger train to Querétaro because the motorway is overloaded and further expansion is no longer advisable. What you need to look for is an alternative way, it can be the railway; There was already a project, remember what was canceled with a Chinese company and a Mexican company.”


AMLO Tomorrow: Nuevo León youth celebrate their victory at the Real Madrid World Challenge 2023

AMLO, business people and officials in attendance celebrated the young people of Nuevo León being crowned at the Real Madrid World Challenge 2023.

One of the winning team members thanked AMLO and Samuel García for inviting them to the morning conference.

He pointed out that the experience changed her life and that “work, sweat, tears and struggle” could be champions.

The Nuevo Leon team the group photo was taken with AMLO, Carlos Bremer and Samuel García alongside the Real Madrid World Challenge Cup 2023.

AMLO morning: Samuel García celebrates Nuevo León’s triumph at the 2023 Real Madrid World Challenge

The governor Samuel Garcia said that the championship was won by young people from Nuevo León in the Real Madrid World Challenge 2023it’s an achievement”.

The President stressed that the group of young people represents all of Nuevo León, as they are the best of the entity’s 41 community centers.

After the achieved championship he promised follow their professional career. And he pointed out that they have the full support of the Nuevo León government.

Don’t give up, because next year it’s about the double championship‘ said Samuel Garcia.

AMLO Tomorrow: Carlos Bremer says AMLO is the President who has helped the sport the most in history

That’s what businessman Carlos Bremer said in the morning AMLO is the President who has helped the sport the most in history.

He said he appreciates and respects this support for the sport.

“I’m really excited that they’re coming here to take it to the President… He never says anything, but he’s the President who has helped the sport the most in history… I know that, so I appreciate it, me.” I appreciate it. I respect and thank you.”


AMLO Morning: Carlos Bremer explains how Nuevo León was crowned Champion of the 2023 Real Madrid World Challenge

businessman Karl Bremer stressed how Nuevo León was crowned monarch at the 2023 Real Madrid World Challenge after beating Germany 2-1 in the final.

The Neo Leonese football team was made up of 14-year-olds, including 10 men and two women, who had traveled to Spain to take part in this tournament, which involved 45 countries.

The youngsters beat teams from on their way to victory Uruguay, USA, Bonaire, Brazil, Spain and Germany.