1703598024 AMLO39s Tomorrow December 26 2023 live Follow minute by minute

AMLO's Tomorrow, December 26, 2023: live; Follow minute by minute

AMLO39s Tomorrow December 26 2023 live Follow minute by minute

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) offers his traditional morning conference here Tuesday, December 26, 2023.

AMLO's Morning Topics December 26, 2023

07:26 | José Gerardo Vega, owner of the Olmeca-Maya-Mexica company, reports that the new airline will fly from Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA) to various national destinations, including some that commercial companies do not reach, for which he said: They will Have new generation aircraft. They present a video about the founding of the airline.

07:19 | The president emphasizes that this Tuesday Mexican Aviation will resume operations managed by the company that will be responsible for the Mayan Train, AIFA and Tulum Airport, among others.

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07:18 | President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO)'s morning conference begins.