Amnesty International accuses Israel of using white phosphorus in Lebanon

Amnesty International accuses Israel of using white phosphorus in Lebanon

An investigation by the NGO Amnesty International accuses the Israeli armed forces of using white phosphorus in offensives in southern Lebanon.

Did the Israeli army use white phosphorus in an offensive in southern Lebanon on October 16? This is what the NGO Amnesty International says. The group announces that it has conducted an investigation into this hypothetical “war crime.” Amnesty denounced an “indiscriminate attack that injured at least nine civilians” at Dhayra’s villa.

White phosphorus is not considered a chemical weapon, but it can cause severe burns to those affected and set houses on fire. Its use as a weapon is prohibited by international conventions. However, it can be used to illuminate a battlefield at night or to create smoke.

What evidence is presented? “Amnesty International’s Crisis Evidence Lab verified videos and photos showing the use of white phosphorus smoke grenades (…) Amnesty International researchers interviewed the mayor of Dhayra, a resident of Dhayra, a rescuer who transported injured civilians to a nearby hospital and an emergency doctor who works in the hospital that received the injured civilians,” emphasizes the NGO.

Witnesses described a “thick white smoke” that remained in the air all night, thick and with an odor similar to garlic. “Amnesty also reviewed a video from Dhayra on October 13 showing clouds of smoke dispersed by artillery consistent with white phosphorus munitions,” as well as images published by a journalist on October 10.

Finally, on October 18, the association identified 155 mm white phosphorus smoke grenades near the Lebanese border in photos from Agence France Presse.

Photo of Israeli army white phosphorus grenades near Lebanon identified as such by Amnesty International, October 18, 2023.Photo of Israeli army white phosphorus grenades near Lebanon identified as such by Amnesty International, October 18, 2023. © AFP / Jalaa Marey

First “false” accusations

This is not the first time that a hypothetical use of these incendiary munitions has been mentioned in this conflict. On October 13, the Israeli army was accused by Amnesty International and Human Right Watch of using these weapons against Hamas in Gaza. Statements firmly refuted by the authorities.

The Israeli embassy in France denounced “false information about the ongoing war” in a press release.

“The State of Israel denies any use of white phosphorus,” the statement said.

The Israeli authorities and the army have not yet responded to the allegations reported by Amnesty International on Tuesday, nor have they made any concrete denials. However, the IDF stated that it was carrying out armed actions against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

But also “military infrastructure of the terrorist organization Hezbollah in Lebanon”.