An academic in prison for molesting her ex lover

An academic in prison for molesting her ex-lover

The university researcher, who was found guilty of ruining her ex-lover’s life by falsely accusing him of being a violent sexual aggressor, will spend a year behind bars.

• Also read: Guilty of molesting her ex-lover: A former researcher faces two years in prison

• Also read: Guilty of ruining an ex’s life

“We must not underestimate the power of words, which can become a weapon and wreak havoc in a victim’s life. The defendant worked hard to destroy the reputation [la victime]. […] She has caused significant harm to her health and physical and mental well-being, all with the power of words alone,” Judge Hélène Di Salvo said Friday at the Sorel Courthouse when she delivered her sentence against Ann Letellier.

The renowned community researcher had assured jury members during her trial that she was more of a victim and had chosen to denounce her “aggressor” for the #MeToo movement.

For several days, the jury was immersed in the lovers’ sexual intimacy.

Ann Letellier

Photo taken from Facebook

Ann Letellier

With great embarrassment, the plaintiff had to describe in great detail the antics, which sometimes involved objects such as handcuffs or fruit and vegetables.

At the end of the trial, the jury found her guilty of harassment and racketeering.

In her decision on Friday, the judge dismissed Letellier’s allegations that she had been “raped, abused and sexually harassed” up to and including “grievous bodily harm”.

“The defendant was never a victim of sexual assault. […] Evidence at trial indicates that they had sadomasochistic sexual relationships that were marginal,” Judge Di Salvo said.

The judge listed several contradictions in Letellier’s testimony and said it gave him no credibility.

Immeasurable relentlessness

Ann Letellier had emailed more than thirty people in her ex-lover’s entourage, as well as the Secretary of State for Higher Education, saying she had been the victim of numerous violent abuses and asking them to “share in large numbers”. .

She had also sent the victim a letter, explaining that she owned two firearms and was skilled in the use of them. In a threatening tone, she demanded an “amount” to compensate for her suffering.

“The stubbornness of the accused [la victime] is immeasurable […]. We can only remember that she acted out of revenge, deeply saddened by the breakdown of their 20-year relationship, driven by frustration, bitterness, anger and pain,” stated Judge Di Hi.

Referring to “planned, deliberate, repetitive gestures,” she recalled that the whole thing had “significant and devastating effects” on this man, who could not be identified due to a publication ban.

The researcher was therefore sentenced to one year in prison. She is forbidden to have any contact with the victim and after her release she has to serve three years of probation and several conditions.

Ann Letellier appealed her guilty verdict.

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