An arena on steroids Robert Lepage and FLIP Fabrique join

An arena on steroids: Robert Lepage and FLIP Fabrique join forces in creation

Robert Lepage will direct a brand new creation by FLIP Fabrique which will be unveiled at Le Diamant in Spring 2024. A show that combines circus, theater and wrestling.

Arène, the working title of this collaboration, will eventually be presented throughout Quebec and abroad.

“It’s going to be crazy. There will be a traditional arena but all on steroids, tightrope walkers, an announcer who goes into the ceiling and a descending cage for people to jump on? Will Rita, the angry madam, carry the satchel step, be there? », enthusiastically presented Bruno Gagnon, General and Artistic Director of FLIP Fabrique, during a press conference at Le Diamant.

Bruno Gagnon has been knocking on Ex Machina and Robert Lepage’s door for ten years.

“I’ve been chasing Robert to secure a project for a long time. The stars have recently aligned,” he said.

During a meeting at Robert Lepage’s office in Le Diamant, the creator and director floated the idea of ​​wrestling as the cornerstone of this collaboration.

Robert Lepage is very enthusiastic about this project. Ex Machina, which works on international co-productions, has long wanted to do a project that brings together the forces that live there.

bigger than life

“Wrestling is probably the most theatrical art form there is. Wrestling is what theater should be and what the circus is trying to be. Viewers react to wrestling shows, let off steam, react and identify. Everything is larger than life,” he noted.

Arène will start creating in the fall. A workshop was held at Caserne Dalhousie last September.

“There are a lot of ideas there. The show will continue to evolve throughout the year,” said Robert Lepage.

Arena will feature eight artist acrobats who have begun to tame wrestling with professional wrestlers.

“It won’t just be colorful characters entering the arena to fight. At other levels there will be struggles where couples will fight, politicians will fight, and people will fight for a cause. It’s a show that’s going to be very theatrical and has a story to tell,” said Robert Lepage.