An Israeli recounts the torment of the barrage he and

An Israeli recounts the torment of the barrage he and his family endured

The city of Ashkelon in Israel was targeted by hundreds of rockets on Saturday during Hamas’ hostilities against the Hebrew country.

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An Ashkelon resident, Samy Goldberg, was jolted awake by Saturday’s shooting.

“We were woken up at 6:30 this morning by incessant gunfire. We had to go to emergency shelters. “You should know that in Israel the housing standards mean that basically every house is equipped with a special room,” he told TVA Nouvelles.

Mr. Goldberg spent much of the day with his family in that room, without electricity or air conditioning.

Citizens were forbidden to leave the house. They had been informed by Israeli authorities that “terrorists were likely to break into houses,” Samy said.

“This is the climate of fear we live in, because less than an hour ago we had the right to fire rockets at Ashkelon,” he added.

Listen to his full statement in the video above.