Ana Castela responds to video speculating about her sexuality Ana

Ana Castela responds to video speculating about her sexuality: “Ana male”; Clock

Amid sightings and speculation of a romance with Gustavo Mioto, Ana Castela has also starred in a series of montages on TikTok speculating about her sexuality. Such is the impact of the LGBTQIA+ “changes” that the Sertaneja has been involved in that she herself left a comment this Wednesday (24).

In one of the most famous videos, netizens have captured footage in which Ana has just arrived in Portugal with Gustavo Mioto. The way the artist went about the recording sparked speculation. The viral reached “Boidadeira”, who responded in a good mood. “Ana macho,” she wrote in the publication, which has more than 110,000 likes.

“Aunt: What’s that leather smell? / I’m coming to the family dinner,” says the montage. The refrain can be heard in the background: “Being a Shoe is very good”.

@rivernah Scrr | #memes #anacastela | #rivernah ♬ original sound Dailsonmp

sealed romance

Internet users have been speculating about a possible relationship between Ana Castela and Gustavo Mioto for months. The two, who are often spotted together, appear to have made their romance official this Wednesday (24) at the Sertanejo show in Portugal. In the middle of the presentation, the couple couldn’t resist and kissed on stage during the performance of “Contramão”.

The two shared a single microphone and sang the last part of the hit together: “I flew too long, let me land on you”. The kissing moment was captured by fans and soon circulated on social media, making the artist’s name one of the most commented on topics on Twitter.

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COME THERE! At the end of the performance of “Contramão”, Gustavo Mioto declared himself to Ana Castela on stage in Coimbra and the two kissed. 🥹🤍

Access to Boiadeira 🤠 (@acboiadeira) May 25, 2023