Ana Maria Braga weeps when saying goodbye to the cook

Ana Maria Braga weeps when saying goodbye to the cook Luzinete Veiga

The chef worked with the presenter for nine years, even when Note and Anote were featured she moved to Canada to live with her daughter. At the farewell at Mais Você on Thursday, August 6th, the moderator gave away a photo that made tears flow:

“You are unforgettable, Ana. Look at this photo… when we were very young. Especially me with the long hair and the topknot (laughs). May God bless you greatly. I send you news from Canada and see you every day. If I cook something completely different, I’ll send you the recipe.”

Showing all her affection, Ana gave advice to her longterm partner: “Send me news, my phone number stays the same. The Canadian air will do you good. It’s freezing, bring a coat.”