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She tells delegate Marino the whole truth and apologizes to Caio.
By gshow Rio de Janeiro
01/13/2024 10:00 p.m. Updated on 01/13/2024
The mystery that moved Terra and Paixão is about to come to an end. pressed, Angelina (Inez Viana) confess Marino (Leandro Lima) with whom you exchanged a cup of tea Agatha (Eliane Giardini)after the deputy finds a jar among the villain's belongings that contains the same substance that killed her.
“This little bottle was found among Agatha's things. And the very deadly substance it contained was found in her body. I already know everything, Angelina. You were the one who poisoned Agatha!”
La Selva's former housekeeper bursts into tears, defending herself and explaining how everything happened.
“No, Marino… It was Agatha who tried her own medicine… I just changed the cups… Because I knew she would kill me. I just wanted to defend myself…” he admits.
1 of 1 Angelina confesses that she poisoned Agatha and reveals who pushed her down the stairs Photo: Gshow/Rapha Dias
“Caio, my boy, forgive me… I know I don't deserve it, but please forgive me!”
She continues to say that Anthony (Tony Ramos) pushed the villain down the stairs.
Terra e Paixão: who was the soap opera's biggest villain?
📽️ Watch the Gshow in Terra e Paixão
gshow in country and paixão: Rodrigo Lombardi enters the action
🎧Listen to the Papo de Novela podcast
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