And Xi Jinping arrived in California INVERTIA

And Xi Jinping arrived in California… INVERTIA

Spy balloons, air and sea tensions in the Pacific, the United States’ rapprochement with Taiwan… This History of tensions between the two great powers China and the United Stateshas only increased in recent months.

Why is the United States so interested in protecting Taiwan? Why defend such a small island by all means? The reason is not insignificant: Taiwan is the technological brain of the United States and the world’s leading semiconductor producer. The Their chip technology is so powerful and uniquethat has so far been unable to be reproduced anywhere else in the world.

But Chinese President Xi Jinping is seeking to reintegrate Taiwan under Chinese administration, a move that achieves the goal It would keep the US economy and technological development in check. and the rest of the West.

The four-hour meeting between Xi Jinping and President Bidenahead of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC), was a historic event that was carefully planned down to the smallest detail.

The most striking thing before the arrival of the Chinese delegation was the change that San Francisco was undergoing. California Governor Gavin Newsom managed to clean up the city in record time. Which until a few days ago was still a City full of tents set up by thousands of “homeless” people Anyone who lives in the city now saw a clean city “free of social problems” again.

A media circus considering China is fully aware of the problems plaguing the golden state. No spy balloon needed knowing that California is facing a serious begging crisis and that the streets of major cities are full of tents, trash and graffiti.

At a press conference, Newsom openly admitted that the Cleanup efforts were planned in San Francisco before the arrival of international APEC leaders and admitted that “they cleaned the city specifically for the occasion.”

“I know people are going to say, ‘They’re just cleaning up here because all these great leaders are coming to San Francisco.’ And the truth is, that’s completely true.” Newsom’s words couldn’t be more succinct.

This fact was pushed into the background after the productive meeting between Biden and Xi Jinping, where it was agreed to pursue rapprochement between the two countries. Biden expressed interest in it China will respect the current situation in Taiwanand both presidents agreed to resume talks between their militaries.

Up until then everything was going well Biden has gone off script during a press conference with the media. When asked by a journalist whether he still considers Xi Jinping a dictator, Biden immediately replied: “Yes, he is a dictator.” Biden’s comment sparked a notable reaction from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The United States subsequently sought to minimize the impact of these statements. Now it is The democratic government has a plan B: Strengthen chip production in the USA.

A year ago, President Biden signed the Chips and Science Act, which marked a Investment of 53 billion dollars in the production, research and development of semiconductors and workforce in the country.

In the year since the chip law was announced, the country’s economy has performed more than announced $166 billion in chip manufacturing, and at least 50 universities have launched new education programs to create a special workforce.

These efforts ensure that the United States is prepared in the event of a change of government in Taiwan under Chinese pressure. With these measures, California would be alone the fifth largest economy in the world If it were an independent nation, it could continue to be an important economic and technological pillar.

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