Andre Valadao throws a Halloween party in a church and

André Valadão throws a Halloween party in a church and is attacked by Christians

Father André Valadão once again caused controversy on social media. The religious man took the opportunity to throw a Halloween party, but received numerous criticisms from Christians.

“Our party is a celebration of life, an expression of love and happiness that shines brighter than any pumpkin candle,” reads an excerpt from the Protestant church’s statement.

André Valadão himself appeared in the contributions as Maverick, Tom Cruise’s character in the film Top Gun.

There was criticism of André in the networks “But wasn’t that the SAINT who hates gays? But Halloween can happen, right,” wrote one.

“It’s not a problem for his church, he can even kill if he wants, he just can’t be gay because that’s too much,” said another.

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