Andres Garcia is hospitalized for a complicated condition

Andrés García is hospitalized for a complicated condition

Andrés García is hospitalized for a complicated condition (AFP)

Andrés García is hospitalized for a complicated condition | AFP

Despite all the beautiful things that life has, we know very well that illnesses can make things a bit complicated, Andrés García reached a point where, unfortunately, he developed one To suffer that affects your levels of hemoglobina protein found in the fluid that is essential to life and transports oxygen to the body.

The famous had a few days not to publish anything in his social mediaHowever, we did learn that the actor thanked the medical staff who treated him and while we don’t know exactly why he was hospitalized, we do know that I need to receive 2 units of s@ngre at the hospital hospital Saint Lucia To be better.

“Infinite thankful with dr Escudero, the CP for his help and attention. I also thank the medical staff of the hospital for their hospitality and affection,” we read the publication.

Also, accompany a message with a few photos in which he shared with us how the bed of the hospital in which he had to be, and internet users supported him with their likes and of course with comments that wanted to send him strength.

Of course, he looks tired in the photos but ready to recover, along with Margarita Portillo, his 22-year-old wife.

Andres Garcia/Instagram

Andrés García shared the picture from the hospital.

Andrés García is already 80 years old and needs to take a lot of care of himself to recover. He also uploads videos to his YouTube channel and shares what he pays him for the price of his adventurous and hectic life

“Of course age has something to do with it too: he has a condition where his spinal cord is destroying red blood cells, so his hemoglobin is very low at the moment and he needs a transfusion to stabilize a bit,” they shared in the morning of Televisa with program TODAY.

In the same year, the actor shared that he had been suffering from leukemia for several years and that one of the main reasons for its development was some medications he was taking to “treat his bad mood” and control his strong temper.

We hope Andrés García recovers, his fans wish him well and the Show News will continue to share everything interesting about it so you don’t miss it.