1698808357 Andres Garcias daughter breaks her silence on her fathers death

Andrés García’s daughter breaks her silence on her father’s death six months after his death

Andrea, daughter of Andrés García / Agencia México

Andrea, daughter of Andrés García / Agencia México

More than six months after the death of Don Andrés García, his daughter Andrea broke the silence and spoke for the first time about the relationship she had with the actor, ensuring that she was at peace because she could talk to him before him died. .

Although Margarita Portillo, the artist’s widow, previously said that the film star did not include her in his will due to the lack of contact between them, according to Andrea, all differences between her and Andrés were resolved before his earthly departure.

“I feel at peace, I had the opportunity to connect beautifully and deeply from soul to soul with my father before he died, thank God, and I took that with me,” said the model in an interview for the program . Windowing.

Although the film star publicly disowned her as his daughter, Andrea explained that beyond their differences, for now she only keeps the beautiful memories that they shared as a family, emphasizing that she does not care about the material goods that Don Andrés did not leave behind be yours.

Andrea García with Andrés García / Courtesy

Andrea García with Andrés García / Courtesy

“I, what remains to me; “My father’s legacy was left to me during his lifetime, but it is spiritual, everything I was able to learn from him, all the beautiful things, the memories, everything that was shared, it’s all for me,” he emphasized.

Regarding the questions about the alleged reason that led her father to radically distance himself from her after García said in various interviews that Andrea had invented that he had raped her, a situation for which he had disowned her and disinherited her the moderator:

“Everything is exaggerated, yes, there are a lot of lies, there are a lot of statements that are not true, but I know the truth, I reserve the truth and this chapter is closed with a flourish.”

Andrea, in turn, admitted that she never had a close relationship with Margarita, although she treated her. “It never happened, the way it happens or doesn’t happen, as they say, ‘What isn’t born doesn’t grow,'” he said.

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Finally, García’s daughter stated that she maintains a good relationship with her older brothers Andrés Jr. and Leonardo, because although she does not see them often, she likes them very much and every time they meet they greet each other affectionately.


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