1699588831 Angelica Baraldi really lied to everyone quotPaid to pose as

Angelica Baraldi really lied to everyone: "Paid to pose as an affiliate" | Who is Rick really IT

After the Big Brother episode aired, someone made serious insinuations about Angelica Baraldi’s loyalty. Let’s find out what happened in front of the cameras

This issue is certainly full of unexpected twists. Primarily Beatrice Luzzi He fooled everyone when he gave the young man a chance Giuseppe Garibaldi. The latter, although there is interest in it Samira Lui, he still let himself fall into the actress’s arms. After what he said it seems like they’ve gone even further under the covers.

Then, during a conversation with some other adventurers, she mentioned her children and claimed that she didn’t care about them following her from home. On the other hand, the relationship is too Massimiliano Varrese He got better after she stood by him after the release of Heidi kisses.

He also revealed a Jill Cooper to be one of the authors of the questions of La guillotine or the final phase of the television quiz L’Eredità. Which is pretty strange considering he explained that he hadn’t met Samira before the reality show. For some, both are part of the same TV show It’s unthinkable that they never showed up in person.

In these hours we are also talking about another competitor and this time too it is a girl, that is Angelica Baraldi. The latter then became the center of attention Giampiero Mughini He pointed out to her that she had distinctive movements when listening to music. Alfonso Signorini He wanted to talk about it live and claimed that certain terms could harm the recipient. For a few hours, however his loyalty is questioned.

Big Brother contestant in trouble: He lied to everyone

Angelica, even if she decided with Mughini, he didn’t hide his displeasure. Later, one evening, he danced with the newcomer Mirko Brunetti and the way he did it touched many people, especially his current girlfriend Greta Rossetti.

In fact, there was a confrontation between the two in the living room and there was no shortage of harsh words towards Angelica. Luckily Signorini decided to surprise her, still, someone had to object.

Instagram video of Riccardo's performance – Romait.itInstagram video of Riccardo and Angelica – Romait.it

“Not even a kiss after not seeing each other for months”

In short, Angelica has always said that she has been engaged to a boy named Riccardo for years. The girlfriend let him into the house for a few minutes and so on Days later they had the opportunity to see each other again. He gave her the right energy to face the experience, so many people expressed their opinions on social media.

“You’ve been together for 6 years and haven’t even kissed after months of not seeing each other?”, “He looks like an actor to me was paid to pose as Angelica’s boyfriend” and many other similar comments can be read in the post. What will be the truth? To find out, we’ll just have to wait and see.

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