1704637062 Angelica Chain the queen of ficheras cinema who retired in

Angélica Chaín, “the queen of ficheras cinema” who retired in her prime

Angélica Chaín, actress who had her heyday with “Ficheras Cinema” (Photo: Screenshot)

Angélica Chaín, actress who had her heyday with “Ficheras Cinema” (Photo: Screenshot)

The year 1991 is the date on which Angélica Chaín's last work is recorded. She produced and starred in Hembras de Tierra Caliente, a film directed by Luis Quintanilla Rico. This production marked his withdrawal from the artistic environment. From then on, she completely distanced herself from the show and gained the reputation as the “Queen of Ficheras Cinema”.

It was a nickname given to him by the public and adopted by the press. It was also a nickname that divided opinions because a section of sexy comedy fans believed that the real monarch was Sasha Montenegro. In the 1980s, Angelica and Sasha were the two leading actresses who became box office hits. Rumors arose about an alleged rivalry. It should be noted that they appeared together in Santo and Blue Demon vs. Doctor Frankenstein (Miguel M. Delgado, 1974).

But there was no such animosity between them. On the contrary, in those years Montenegro recognized his colleague as an important figure in the industry. Likewise, the proliferation of titles in the so-called “ficheras cinema” allowed both to take leading roles without coming into conflict with each other in their respective goals of staying at the top.

Actual and awkward Montenegro helped Chaín establish himself as one of the big stars of national cinema between 1980 and 1990. This is thanks to the romance she had with former President José López Portillo. When she became pregnant, she did not have to appear in front of the screens, which led the producers to turn to Angélica and offer her films designed for her partner.

Montenegro's absence from the screens was compensated for by the presence of Chaín at the box office. In return, the actress took her chance and switched to television to combine her participation with the cinema. To delight and captivate his followers, Angélica agreed to take off her clothes in several “Ficheras” films as well as in action films.

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Showing her naked figure sparked more ticket sales and more contracts. Unlike other actresses who appeared without clothes, Chaín was the protagonist of the stories and her name appeared as a star in the credits, a detail for which she was called “the queen of Ficheras cinema”. The distance that Sasha Montenegro had to take from the cinema due to her motherhood also had an influence.

He stood out with El día de los albañiles (Adolfo Martínez Solares, 1982), El thief of the neighborhood (Gilberto Martínez Solares, 1982) and Los verduleros (Adolfo Martínez Solares, 1986).

The curious thing, not to say the contrasting thing, is that she was identified with this seal even though she had made the decision to venture into soap operas in order to show herself as a full-fledged actress and not just a nudist. It was of great interest to her to prove herself as an actress, especially because she had no acting training. He took his first artistic steps with burlesque and photonovelas. To further develop as a performer, he took lessons from José Luis Ibáñez, a renowned theater director.

With The curse (1983), Juana Iris (1985) and seduction (1986), Chaín tried his hand at Televisa soap operas. She was well received by viewers despite the stigma attached to her professional profile as an interpreter of popular characters with a penchant for nudity. His elegant demeanor helped enough to give him the benefit of the doubt in melodramas.

However, cinema continued to be his forte. In 1989 he took the risk of playing a dual role The intimate diary of a cabaret artist, Film by legendary filmmaker Gilberto Martínez Solares. She gave birth to a pair of twins who were opposites in every way, making it challenging to reconcile two different personalities in the same story.

There she seemed to stand out as an actress who wanted to try her hand at storylines other than sexy comedies, even more so as the '90s approached, a time when stock cinema no longer had a place. But she suddenly disappeared from the industry after marrying hotel and sugar tycoon Enrique Molina Sobrino. Nobody knew anything about her until 2018, the year she appeared in a photo with her husband celebrating a wedding anniversary.

He retired as the star of the big screen that he was in his day. just at a time when her acting goals were progressing and she was beginning to develop as a film producer. He wanted to concentrate on his family life.

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